Rule to – 329 points –

Bridge rectifiers are physics now?

eVeRyThInG iS pHySiCs

Everybody gangsta until the fabric of reality is computer science

Beep boop I am a fellow human like you and am totally NOT part of a simulation to determine how many pickles can fit in a jar at once

You had me at magnets.

Stop doing magnets.

Inanimate objects were never meant to be attracted to each other.

Years of sticking yet no real world use found.

Wanted to join things just for a laugh? We had a tool for that it was called glue.

"Magnetism and electricity are two sides of the same coin” "attraction decreases with the inverse square of distance” - statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged.

Look at what magnematicians have been demanding your respect for all this time with all the funding we have given them.

"hello I would like an invisible force please"

They have played us for absolute fools.

edit: of

OK but circuit diagrams and molecular structure diagrams don't actually do anything when drawn on paper. If you wanna compare something technological to runes, why not use a die shot (extremely high magnification photo of the individual transistors in a CPU)?

THEY'RE NOT RUNES! Yes we etch them into pure crystals of silicon to awaken machines that do our bidding but THEY'RE NOT RUNES

Rufus, The Demon Core, killed two scientists due to mishandling during criticality experiments. Japan was so afraid of Rufus, Emperor Hirohito surrendered before they could fit Rufus into a third bomb.

I'd argue we don't have any evidence Rufus is not a demon.