8 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

If google is doing this, they have a much better way to track them. Maybe fingerprints or something called evercookies. Which is harder to protect against.

The good thing is there are some software and browsers who are tackling this issues.

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Every second in USA, 1000 milliseconds has passed.

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All i can say good luck. If you turn off the internet nothing will work and shit will hit the fan for the gov too fast.

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I believe that firefox is one if the few who has at least some sort of protection against it. But you should always use different browser profiles for anything you do online at least on computer and especially if you use vpn.

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Don’t worry NSA already knows were you at LOL

Anything related to computers in general from building them to programming and simply using them. I’m a big fan of open source software and linux.

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Unless they encode ads into video it won’t stop adblockers. And if they do encode them, they need to figure out a way to block users from skipping ads by clicking on video bar or rewind buttons during this ads playback. Highly unlikely they will do any of this, so you should not worry ublock got you covered. And by forcing more ads on users google invites even more rippers. The more companies resist change the more people will find ways around it.

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You can also setup a cron job to periodically clean oldest files for you.

Example: @weekly find ~/.cache -type f -mtime +7 -delete

This will delete everything older than 7 days inside your cache folder.

I heard about it but never watched it. Is it good? What is it about?

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There should be no wars or conflicts of any kind anywhere whatsoever. Everyone should leave in peace and respect each other.

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Yeah switched to linux two decades ago and never looked back. The only regret i have is that i haven’t switched earlier.

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Firefox is best, but if you use linux and still like using Chrome for some things you can try Ungoogled Chromium

Thank you, director been POS never stopped me from watching or liking the movie/show. I don’t even care for most ratings or reviews. There were many times when rating or review was bad but i loved watching it.

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I agree and this is exactly my point. It will be chaos worse than anything we ever seen. People just don’t realize how dependent everything is on internet now.

There is also 28 Weeks Later (2007) very good and underrated zombie movies.

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I recommend first installing something like Virtual Box on Windows than google which linux distros are most popular, most maintained and has a good documentation and community to help you when you are stuck. Than pick 3-5 from best once and install them on your Virtual Box and play with each. Than based on your personal experience choose one that works best for you. After that you can install it as dual boot or as your main os.

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Doctor Who of course ;-)

This is very said to hear, especially for those who been through this and still alive today. But wait until AI deep fake is more widespread and most won’t even believe the history they themselves grew up in. And gov don’t make it any easier too. Most news now are political propaganda. And it seems that it will only get worse.

Actually there is like six Sharknados.

  • Sharknado (2013)
  • Sharknado The Second One (2014)
  • Sharknado Oh Hell No (2015)
  • Sharknado The 4th Awakens (2016)
  • Sharknado Global Swarming (2017)
  • Last Sharknado Its About Time (2018)
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I actually liked the remake movie more Poseidon (2006) but original was good too.

  • Mahjongg
  • Tetris
  • Chess
  • Checkers

No you are just renting to see more ads.

Considering there are zombies there, sure why not.

Never tried LibreWolf yet, but i will. Thank you.

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From my personal experience watching some POS directors/writers content sometimes they can better than good once.

Yeah movie was good but show not so much.

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I agree, i enjoyed it more than Armageddon. Its also more realistic story.

Thank you, this gave me an idea to do this post Let’s see how many of you would of got a gift from Elon Musk.

You should give proper credit, just say you got it from “Got Bent”. And if they ask you, “who got bent” - than tell them, “some dude on the internet”.

Fun fictional movie but there is almost zero or zero science behind it.

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Yes it does, disasters can be related to any genre really. Sometimes there are only some scenes of disaster. Like i gave example of tv show Lost airplane only crashed in the beginning but consequences of that was trough whole show. So it does count in this post :-)

Oh yeah, this is a classic! Christopher Lloyd was epic there. This was the first movie I noticed this actor.

This is probably a good time to download your favorite podcast offline while they are available. Because some might not ever comeback.

When you just starting in linux and thinking of switching this can be a good thing. I think its better for users to choose and learn on there own instead of recommending them specific distro.

This is also a good and better idea, thank you for pointing that out.

You can buy all kinds of necessities cheap on AliExpress for $1.99 or when they have sales every month for $1.79 this special section only available on there mobile app. Also most cities have food-banks or some churches giving out free food and clothing. There is also a community kind of like craigslist but for free stuff.

Bill & Ted reminds me of Doctor Who.

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Is there anyway you can scan and publish this book on ? Thank you.

Very nice, thanks for sharing this.