What Linux OS & Desktop Environment (DE) or Windows Manager (WM) do you use?

noroute@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 34 points –



Plasma on Arch. Considering switching to Plasma 6 beta to help bugtest and get the new shinies early.

Arch Linux with plasma 6

You're regularly using plasma 6? They just released the first beta and it's full of bugs.

It works fine for me. Crashed few times, but it keeps programs after crash so I didn't mind it

  • EndeavourOS (ArchLinux) + KDE Plasma for my SO and I.
  • SteamOS (ArchLinux) + KDE Plasma on the SteamDeck.
  • TrueNas (Freebsd) for my NAS
  • Yunohost (debian) for my server (which run this lemmy instance)

My journey so far:

  • Ubuntu + Gnome
  • Fedora + Fluxbox
  • OpenSuse + FluxBox
  • Triskel + Gnome Shell
  • Ubuntu + XFCE
  • Pop_OS + Gnome
  • Manjaro + i3
  • ArchLinux + i3
  • EndeavourOS + KDE

I want to try NixOS but I like my setup so far

Work PC: Fedora with Gnome & Forge ext for tiling.

Laptop: currently testing Garuda KDE after jumping on it early and it being really scratchy other than the theming, it's really matured with almost SUSE level tools.

Arch with Gnome on Wayland

Me too. Stock from the install guide, Linux and linux-lts kermels

What doesn't work :

  • ftdi chipsets over usb aren't recognized by the software anymore.

  • The menu to switch on/off WiFi hangs, crashes the subsystem (and the menu panel), must reboot.

  • Laptop goes asleep when and if it feels like, sometimes doesn't even shut down the screen when I close the lid (dell 7389). And wakes up randomly of course.

  • Impossible to get snapper-rollback to work ; snapshots work, rebooting in an earlier config doesn't (and that part of the wiki is a mess).

  • Helvum doesn't show the audio hardware and software, no way to route stuff like we used in Jack.

  • Webcam, internal microphone don't work.

  • External output/input hardware (minijack) don't work.

  • Appimages don't work natively, must decompress and launch from terminal

arch + qtile + some random dark gtk theme

Arch Linux and Cinnamon.

I like it simple without being too opinionated like some other DEs. I am eagerly awaiting Wayland support though

Garuda with KDE plasma on my main desktop. Fedora bazzite (also KDE plasma) on my laptop.

Manjaro (pure laziness) with Plasma and a recolored Qogir theme

Nobara with Gnome. Fedora Kinoite (KDE). Debian 12 with gnome.

but used to be on Gnome Wayland, Arch
why did i go back? temporarily, just wanted to try out new windows stuff in windows 11, they actually improved the os quite a lot (package manager is a nice bonus feature).
Still going to return to linux eventually, probably to KDE 6 on Arch or Debian Sid once it's released and stable

I'm mainly on Windows but when I go to Linux I usually used Manjaro Xfce but recently I tried installing default Ubuntu.

Kubuntu on my desktop and Fedora KDE on my laptop. I probably should explore some other DEs (I have some experience with cinnamon and xfce) but just really like KDE lol.

Also unRAID on my nas if that counts.

Work: EndeavourOS + xfce

Leisure: EndeavourOS + dwm

Manjaro Linux with GNOME on my personal desktop. Used to do Arch with bspwm way back but don't really want to put in the time configuring things anymore

I'm using a Macbook Pro with Mac OS Sanoma for my work laptop

Arch Linux with Sway. I've been enjoying it a lot more since automating the boot up. I open the same programs every day, may as well get Sway to do it for me.

currently cinnamon on mint and manjaro, plus rpi desktop in a couple vm. also use console-only debian and dietpi.