What country are you using lemmy from?

noroute@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 84 points –




Woah, story time?

I'm a penguin who was captured by human researches in Antarctica, but I was able to escape and then I got in touch with my penguin friends and leaders to raid the researchers facilities. Now the human facilities are under Penguin control, so we can use humans communication media like the Internet. Anything more you are interested in?

Anything more you are interested in?

Yes. How do you use touchscreens when your flippers are so cold?

It was very hard at first, we used to slap many times and hard enough touchscreens, but this turned out to be unreliable. Then, we developed special penguin gloves that heat themselves so we can use touchscreen almost seamlessly.

Netherlands, it's small enough that I don't need to include a city.

I'm in Minnesota, USA. I'm also using kbin, but it's federating with Lemmy, so I guess I'm using Lemmy?

Lucerne, Switzerland

Beautiful city! I visited when I was a kid, I stayed in some old army barracks.

How much gold are you currently sat on?


Ahoj, bratře!

Vieš o nejakej slovenskej inštácii alebo komunite? Občas pozerám českú inštáciu kyberpunk.social, ta nie je ale vhodná pre hlavný účet, preto som na feddit.de, ktorá federuje s takmer všemi ostatnými a kde je odozva z Norimberka cca 25 ms.

U.S.A. One star state

Flag or rating?

Both are accurate(if the scale doesn't include a "0" star option)

It's worth noting that I'm a european whose only been to TX. I would give TX two stars, mostly for the food. Would probably be less if I had to live there.

Looks like that lemmy is not so US dominated like reddit.

That’s part of the appeal to the other 7.6 billion of us. It’s an international fediverse rather than a US corporate entity. Kinda like how popular forums used to have a link to other popular forums except you can also get a feed from the linked forums. Much better. Will just take time to grow. Reddit took nearly a decade to reach critical mass.

Texas. Also I saw a beautiful sunrise this morning and I hope you see something equally as beautiful today.

Also reporting in from USA, Texas. Hopefully moving somewhere else relatively soon though!

Holy dog shit! Texas? Only steers and queers come from Texas, Private Cowboy, and you don't look much like a steer to me, so that kinda narrows it down. Do you suck dicks?


Vieš o nejakej slovenskej inštácii alebo komunite? Občas pozerám českú inštáciu kyberpunk.social a mám tam aj komunitu !DeepWebCZ@kyberpunk.social, ale kvôli obmedzenej federácii nie je veľa vhodná pre hlavný účet, aj keď má zo všetkých Lemmy serverov najkratšiu dobu odezvy.
(Ako sa ti páči moj pokus o slovenčinu?)

Dosť fajn slovenčina, jedine "veľa" by som vymenil za "moc" a "odezvy" za "odozvy"

Ale inak neviem o žiadnej slovenskej inštancii alebo komunite :/, pravdupovediac som sa ani moc po nich nepozeral.

Belgium, Ghent. We once made international news because students captured the Castle of Counts (Gravensteen), and we still celebrate it every year.