What is your favorite hobby?

noroute@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 130 points –



Sourdough breads, brewing beer and wine, growing mushrooms, hydroponics, soapmaking, brewing kombucha, making kefir (both kinds), growing marijuana, back yard chickens, gardening, growing sprouts for weekly harvest...

Last night I pondered out loud about a getting a bigger house to get more room for hobbies :/

Can we all come and live with you? We'll help out

I need a BIGGER house, not smaller!

Well if we all participate we can get a bigger house. I feel like a commune is forming.

That's just brilliant. I was interested in hydroponics too, but quickly realised that economically speaking, I'd be better off purchasing my vegetables anyway.

I'd love to learn how to make sauces though


Do you have any recommendations for a beginners guide?

Search "kratky system". For real i mix 5 gallons of nutrient solution, put it into a 5 gallon bucket, drop 3 plants into that bucket and do nothing else...

This is 2 buckets, 6 plants in front of my grow tent with a 16oz bottle for scale.

I don't have a guide but a simple rockwool system is great and pretty easy to manage. Results are explosive.

Sitting doing nothing.

A very under-rated pass-time.

All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.

-Blaise Pascal

Mine is drawing. I’ve had other hobbies and have other things that I enjoy doing, but drawing is the most engaging thing for me. Your standards always outpace your ability, so there’s never a moment when you feel like you’ve accomplished everything you could’ve accomplished. There’s always something new to draw or learn about.

Ha ha nice name ^^

So carbon ink or Indian :-D ? I made a community for art in progress !aip@lemmy.mindoki.com to share progress, there are so many parameters and combinations...

So what are you drawing and what are inspiring you most?

Haha, any kind of ink works for me, as long as I can draw with it! Also, I'm always looking for art communities on Lemmy, so I just joined!

Currently, I'm doing studies of mechanical joints and greebles to improve my ability to draw hard surface stuff (e.g. mechs, vehicles, inorganic constructs), and I'm also drawing a shitpost meme when I need to take a break from studying! :)

Cool! Post as you like, and share other art communities too, IMO we're all in it together!

Greebles, guess I just learned a new word :-D that seems, hrm, time consuming to say the least O_o when can we see an example?


Bouldering and running are the things I find I want to sink most of my free time into lately. Secondary to that it is general strength and yoga excercises.

I’m a sucker for a good book, recently read the Dune series, it was fantastic.

Then of course music (rap, hip-hop, rock), podcasts (too many to list or keep up with properly, really).

Video games used to be big, but these days nothing really tickles my pickle. I used to be mostly into PvP (first few seasons of league, speedrunners, MW2, Battlerite, Omega Strikers) but these days it is rare to find good ones, single-player stuff rarely catches my attention enough to sink hours in. Usually nothing I try these days lasts more than 2-3 times playing it.

I always find climbing and running to be such complimentary activities. Strength and cardio both covered between the two of them, and at their core all you really need is a pair of shoes for each.

Yes, the barrier for entry is so low. You can even run barefoot if you are so inclined (I do experiment with this). Granted climbing can become expensive-ish if you want to do regular climbing. But bouldering is very cheap to get into.

Plus there is something so primal about running and climbing. Like these are the things we are supposed to be good at, it is how we are meant to move in some sense. It feels so empowering to know you can run for X time/distance or that you can climb a wall this hard…

Chapterhouse: Dune is legit my favorite book of all time. The series is my favorite series but I love how bat shit crazy everything is after Children.

Mine is computers,

Okay... Could you be a little more specific?

Anything related to computers in general from building them to programming and simply using them. I’m a big fan of open source software and linux.

I hate that Framework doesn't support Coreboot yet. That's perhaps the only laptop brand I'd be willing to spend $1000 on to purchase a laptop from, but unless they act on it I'm not buying anything from them. Unfortunately, System76 isn't really present outside the US, which makes it a real pickle I'm in

3 more...

U know, laptoping and that.

You know email.. Sending emails, receiving emails, deleting emails. Clicking, double clicking.

Na, anyone working in the IT field knows that computers mean anything with a cable attached to it.

3 more...

This. Right here. Chats, forums. "Social media."

Hate being around people; somehow can't get enough of talking with them. Via text, anyway.

Making stuff! Fibre crafts, gamedev, general tinkering. Occasional drawing despite being lifelong terrible at it. Making stuff for no real reason other than enjoyment of it is what life's all about!

Wargaming. It's given me a social life. I've developed new skills like painting. It has side hobbies like 3d printing. Hopefully I can make it a career too. I've always dabbled with 3d software like Blender. Three months ago I took the leap to learning 3d sculpting with the plan to release my own designs for miniatures. I really wanna make my own Dark Elves for The Old World.

That's sick! There are many fantasy ranges in 3d that imho are even better than GWs, and they are gonna explore im popularity with old world. Last Sword are my favorite, so much character.

Music. 2 years ago I started teaching myself guitar and have played almost every day since then. At the beginning of last year I added learning to sing to my routine. Next year is going to be focused on singing and playing at the same time. Eventually I'll start writing my own music.

It's been the best hobby I've ever gotten into. It's stress relieving and makes me feel good about myaelf for accomplishing something that I thought for a long time I could never get good at. I have recordings of playing and singing throughout the last few years. When I feel discouraged or like I've hit a plateau, I listen back to where I was when I started and instantly appreciate how far I've come. I'm pretty sure at this point that music will be a lifelong pursuit for me.


I've started watching how to videos about bonsai lately. I've alway been curious but the time to grow and keeping the trees alive always seems intimidating.

Plus the folks who do this professionally seem to repot semi regularly and cut away a ton of roots. Everytime I've tried to repot something, I've killed it.

Bonsai is a wonderful hobby and it can be as easy or as difficult as you want to make it. Check out the subreddit for helpful beginner info. Don't get discouraged, 99% of people kill their first two or three trees. I've posted here but the community is non-existent. Look for a local gardening club to point you in the right direction. Chinese elms are probably the best beginner tree hands down.

Encoding/decoding. If something exists, it has a 25% chance of harboring a hidden message.

I no list Alps what chess can fleester fields of the nephilim

I think it could be interesting to encode messages into the DNA of an ant, for example, then mail the ant somewhere so that the receiver can sequence the DNA and decode the message

That's been done, though it's much harder to do on living things because attempting to change the DNA of something that's still alive opens up a can of worms that makes it not worth it. They've once proved you can encode the whole of Wikipedia on a few strands of hair.

Do you look at art and try to decode?

A lot of times, yes. With surprising results.

For example, a form of letter substitution was made where different squiggle combinations were different letters, made so that a drawing can be drawn and the code could be visible in the lined drawing's lines, making sure the code was made in such a way that it could be used no matter what was being drawn.

Colors, shapes, sizes, noise, measurements, anything that can be distinguished into forms and types is potentially someone's communicating.

Oh cool - can you share the name of that work/those works?

I actually meant less "encrypted" artworks, but more "regular" works, where you would wonder the artists intent or try see what feelings the artwork can offer and why it works.

Video Games. I can escape into video games from everything. They protect me when I am lonely, in pain, suicidal, desperate. I can even play video games in my mind.

Crochet amigurumi.

I also used to play various musical instruments for personal enjoyment.

Music and learning new things

I like nice experiences

TTRPGs! I'm currently playing in 3-4 games a week, GMing two of those. It's definitely my escapism as well, but at least it's fun

I'd love to! But it's so hard to organize.

I'm stuck with video games for now.

Photography, mostly landscapes. Something satisfying about capturing the essence of a beautiful view and being able to share it with others who couldn't be there to savour the moment. Sometimes a fancy digital camera, sometimes old timey film cameras my grandpa got me into. I'm also into backpacking, climbing, splitboarding, and otherwise just spending time in the mountains so there's no shortage of views to capture.

I use cameras for a living and basically never shoot anything for fun anymore (if anything I'm shooting for my portfolio if I'm not getting paid), because there's just no joy in it anymore, but landscapes are the exception I'll always feel happy with getting photos of footage of the beautiful places I visit.

Mine was homebrewing, it became my job. Now I mainly spend my time on my bike, seting up to bikepacking.

My hobby turned into my career. I have been slowly Imagineering an entire VR Theme Park.

That sounds badass!

It has been the most rewarding work experience of my life. Still seems like a dream. I hope everyone can find their passion as AI frees up our time.

Going to the gym, looking at nature and watching TV.

I like making and repairing stuff. Currently repairing a wheelbarrow and creating a contraption out of two defunct mountain bikes that will carry logs and other heavy loads.

Long walks, swimming and playing drums

Motorcycles. Both riding, and maintainence/repair. Wonderful for my mental health, and they're all cool in their own ways.

I don't have a single favourite. I like coding for retro computers, doing cross stitch, drawing, playing guitar, gaming and electronics.

Bike touring on rail trails and quiet roads coupled with camping and visiting nature reserves and national parks.

I loved computers when I was a teenager and it became my work. I'm now working in IT.

I was fine with that for a while but because it's now my work, I needed to find something else to escape, and be more active.

So I eventually started cycling "for fun" but now I have panniers, camping equipment, and lots of plans to go cycling and camping deep in nature.

By the way if you have rail trails and/or safe itineraries to suggest, that are somewhat long (over 80/100 km if possible), don't hesitate to let me know.

My favourite here is 'Le p'tit train du Nord" which runs for 200 km, and I highly recommend it.

  • Chess - can't seem to break 1200 elo in rapid.
  • Speed cube - can't seem to break 40sec ao100
  • Just discovered the LitRPG genre. Blasting through "Dungeon Crawler Carl" and "Wandering Inn"

I'd love to get into digital electronics and hardware hacking but I have no use for the skills in my life as of now, which means I have 0 motivation to pursue them

I enjoy just some simple residential gardening and have started a bonsai hobby about 2 years ago. I posted several things here on Lemmy but the bonsai community is basically non-existent here.