Ukraine blows up five jets ‘deep within Russian territory’ to World – 670 points –
Ukraine blows up five jets ‘deep within Russian territory’

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The use of drones in this war is fascinating from afar.

From an American perspective, I keep seeing calls from extremists for a new civil war, and it terrifies me because weaponry like this means shit will go poorly for civilians VERY quickly, even without going nuclear. I imagine that all these kids and young adults who think that playing CoD prepared them for actual war will be in for a big, brief surprise when a drone just deletes them while being operated by some guy in, like, Nevada.

Eh drone is just cost effective version of CAS. I think most modern jets bomber/fighter could carry out precision strikes without you ever seeing or hearing them.

Or going in loud and proud A10 style also works, that shit is scarier lol

Tbh something you can only hear the last second is way scarier 99.9% of the time, because you can't expect to hear it's coming. Could happen anywhere any time.

Or going in loud and proud A10 style also works, that shit is scarier lol

It saves infantry, but not the british infantry. It saves infantry, but not the british infantry.

Or get chased around by explosive FPV drones and Ali-express quadcopters dropping grenades.

And that's before someone with more resources than Ukraine inevitably makes an airplane load of these things that just automatically go for anything vaguely human shaped.

Maybe AliExpress drones is scarier, the fact that it’s so harmless and so lethal is equally scary 😂😂😂

I take want to see a bunch of Trumpers on mobility scooters waving AR-15s take on the US army. It'll be hilarious.

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