Dethroning, rises as the second most active instance to – 870 points –

Wow, things have changed since I last posted in /c/fediverse. Here are the top five most active instances based on monthly active users:

  • 19516
  • 3779
  • 2970
  • 2355
  • 2293



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Who owns and why do people choose it over other instances?

Can't speak for others, but my decision to stick with stemmed from seeing how active the owner is, the minimal defederation and the bot & moderation policies meaning there are minimal bots, and I've yet to currently see much spam issues, which is nice.

Also helps that the owner Sunaurus is an active contributor to the Lemmy project as a whole, so we get patches and fixes relatively quickly.

why do people choose it over other instances?

Non-techy people want a big instance, but .world goes offline too often and .ml doesn't allow new sign ups.

When I tested different instances was quite small compared to the big ones. The main pros are technically fast and stable. It also federates comprehensively.

Edit: also remembered that it hasn't had any insane admin/rule situations that I've noticed

.ml doesn’t allow new sign ups.

It does, however one must know what is six minus two to get the approval.

That's new, they were closed for a while

They got aome of the most traffic during the migration, so it pulled itself off the instance list page i think for regiatration so that people would join other instances leveling the load

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Also is not defederated from one or two instances that I want to access consistently which is why I made a new account there for my new main

You sure about that? I just made this account a few days ago.

They closed sign ups during the early days of the migration up until recently. I just missed the moment they're open again since I'm not interested in large instances.

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Because it is more open and lenient in not defedereting and as a user i can choose which subs and instances to block.

Its admin wrote all about it here:

Thanks. Looking at the admin's profile, he seems to be very reasonable. I especially like this comment he made:

"Not sure if I actually have to justify removing soviet and/or nazi symbolism, but I have lived my whole life in a country on the border of Russia. My country been ravaged by both Nazis and Soviets in very recent history. I want to be clear that while I think criticising capitalism is totally normal and necessary, I am also extremely aware of constant Kremlin propaganda. Propaganda which is spread both in their media, but also crucially in online channels. Propaganda which includes things like downplaying horrifying actions of the soviet union, portraying their “enemies” (the west) in the worst possible light, and mixing in soviet symbolism wherever possible. I have no intention of allowing anything which resembles this propaganda to be spread through If banning offending users does not work, then further steps will definitely be taken."

Yep ... seems refreshingly and perfectly reasonable to me.

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It says a significant chunk of their funding comes from users. Where does the other funding come from?

Good to see donations are keeping the place afloat!

What is github sponsorship? Are they advertising on that note instance?

GitHub sponsorships are a way of donating to programmers. In addition to hosting, sunaurus has made significant contributions to Lemmy's codebase. (In my opinion, he is by far the most skilled programmer working on Lemmy.)

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