Lemmy probably feels like Reddit when it first started, all warm cuddly and friendly to newcomers eager to discuss and collaborate around central topics.

kucuva@lemmy.world to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 657 points –

I joined reddit on the tailwind, so it was all echo chamber, we hate newcomers, gatekeeping, automod frenzy, too many rulebreakers, too many rules, etc I could be wrong, but thats what I imagine it used to be like.


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I see comments like this, complaining about tankies, more often than i see "tankies".

On the occasion politics comes up, and i say anything socialist, I'm jumped on by people who seem either angry or smugly dismissive of the notion of people organising.

Dude is a Canadian landlord. But I guess since the right wing has literal nazis now, anything left of that is 'pretty left leaning'

Hey, I better not be seeing any disrespect for landchads here. Now you add 5% more rent to this month's tip, hear me, rentoid?

It's shit like this. I'm just a normal guy, I have a job, kids, hobbies. I believe in less military spending, national healthcare, social programs, and support for our vulnerable population. I got into real estate because it seemed like a good investment. People on here make it seem like anything that doesn't fit their idea of "left" or"socialism" just be part of the conservative machine. Jesus, my investment decisions are not politically motivated. I made the mistake of trying to be part of a discussion and ended up with someone telling me I'm garbage and that I should give my investments to the tenants. Lol.

Being a landlord is a deliberate choice to make money through other people's work.

It's welfare for the rich.

That's not to say you, or any specific landlord, is evil. It's just an evil thing to do. If you don't live in the house, you have no business owning it.

And honestly, today I agree with you (although I think there is some merit in a rental system as some people prefer to rent). I haven't bought a property for 15 years and I see what the younger generation is going through. If I knew then what I know now, I would not have purchased rentals. But at the time the real estate market was much different. Hell there were decent properties for sale for 70k back then.

if you agree then why aren't you getting out of it entirely?

Honestly? I went into it as an investment, from a capital appreciation stand point I have done very well. I've mentioned in another post that I basically charge minimum rent (30% below market). When I had kids I thought the properties would provide decent income for the kids so it would supplement what they earn in the long term. But then one of my children ended up with a life long disability. My properties are in a condo/town house community close to many amenities. It's very possible they may end up living in one of the properties while the other parts for their expenses. If I had wanted to get out I would have done so last year. But as it turns out I may actually need the properties to ensure my kid doesn't end up as a disabled homeless person. So at the end of the day, I'm not interested in making money off the properties, I just cover expenses. It's probably who I've had the same tenants for 12 years. I literally don't even remember their names.

This is a pretty good explanation as to why. I feel for your kid too and I hope you do end up just letting them live there so they aren't homeless as a disabled adult.

That kid sounds super lucky though. Other people's parents don't necessarily have something like that up their sleeve so when its time to be an adult- that kid just has no where to go or they keep living at home with the parents.

I get that you're not interested in making money off these properties but then you ended on

It’s probably who I’ve had the same tenants for 12 years. I literally don’t even remember their names.

This is definitely part of why people don't like landlords and you're gonna keep getting shut down with the brunt of the argument.

The only time I had a landlord that knew my name was one that I was already friends with beforehand. Otherwise it's a purely transactional relationship. And people don't like financial relationships. They're disingenuous. And they lead to statements like "I don't even know this persons name"

Like those people are just nobodies to you that you get rent from.

I pay for a property management firm to take care of all the problems that come up at the properties. They are the ones who originally found the tenants. The houses are in a different city, I guess I could reach out, but my life is busy enough. It is purely transactional at this point. But after 12 years I am guessing it's at least acceptable. I do find it interesting the hate that landlords get on this site. I mean I used to rent and never had an issue. But back then renting and owning worked out the same after 30 years if you invested the difference between your rent and monthly house expenses. That sadly isn't the car any more.

Yeah, part of the reason for the hate is because its a purely transactional relationship.

You're not really helping someone by renting out a place to them through a company. And its a low bar to set if you think "oh well at least they are not homeless"

My tenants get 30% below market rate on rent. They get 24/7/365 access to maintenance calls for any issues. Every 4 years I renovate a room of their choice. I never get up on their business. Anyone else would say they have the best deal going. But here on Lemmygrad I am still the bad guy because of an investment I made 15 years ago, and decided to maintain in order to ensure my disabled son has a home. I respect your opinion, but I'm done defending myself on this site. No one here lives in reality. It's almost comical. You have a great life. I sincerely hope whatever you are looking for in life you find. Cheers.

Sorry, the "you're not helping" isn't directed at you specifically. It's you as in landlords who do that and then say they're helping someone not be homeless.

I live in reality, but I don't live where you do. Where I live, homelessness is a HUGE problem and the streets and people's backyards are filled with tents. I'm not even exaggerating. Go look at Portland, Or news. It's all about homeless people. People have an extremely hard time finding housing here.

There's nothing comical about being homeless.

some people prefer to rent

Utter bullshit. The only reason people rent instead of buying is because prices are too damn high.

And prices are too damn high because of landlords. If you are both problem and solution, your job needn't exist.

If I knew then what I know now, I would not have purchased rentals. But at the time the real estate market was much different.

It was exactly the same, only cheaper. And it was the flood of landlords buying when it was cheap that led to prices getting higher.

People like you are the reason this problem exists.

If I knew then what I know now, I would not have purchased rentals.

You at least deserve credit for admitting this.

There are many European families that I know in Canada that are financially able to buy but choose to rent.

Then you know many fools.

Some people like the flexibility, some may not be in the area long term, some may believe the stock market has better potential. In our free market type society, that is their choice. You can rail against the status quo, but whether you like it or not, it's the current reality. As shitty as it is.

You can rail against the status quo, but whether you like it or not, it’s the current reality. As shitty as it is.

Such a pointless statement. Also, "it's their choice" is massively overselling it.

Unfortunately the same could be said of the stock market. When it comes to financial planning for retirement or longer financial stability, one can choose between real estate or the stock market (among other choices).

I think the real issue with property ownership is having some reasonable limits and regulations. 1) no foreign investments in certain home types, 2) a cap/limit on the properties owned by any individuals (or LLCs they are associated with), and most importantly a complete ban on corporations owning residential properties.

Sure we could transition into removing real estate as an investment vehicle, but unfortunately I really can’t see a realistic path to this.

Unfortunately the same could be said of the stock market

You seem to think I wouldn't agree there, too. Yes, the same could and is rightfully said about the stock market.

When it comes to financial planning for retirement or longer financial stability, one can choose between real estate or the stock market (among other choices).

And that is an indicator of a poorly planned economy.

I think the real issue with property ownership is having some reasonable limits and regulations. 1) no foreign investments in certain home types, 2) a cap/limit on the properties owned by any individuals (or LLCs they are associated with), and most importantly a complete ban on corporations owning residential properties.

I mostly agree, but I'd go even further. A single law:

It is illegal to own a home one does not occupy for more than 9 months of the year; or any holding wherein others are employed to work for a wage; or to monopolise access to resources or facilities necessary for social production

TL;DR abolish private property.

Sure we could transition into removing real estate as an investment vehicle, but unfortunately I really can’t see a realistic path to this.

Right above! You may call that unrealistic, but the only wrinkles are rich bastards being upset they can no longer leech. I don't believe that worthy of consideration.

Jesus, my investment decisions are not politically motivated

I agree but what you chose to do effects the lives of others. You're participating in something that is built to hurt people for not being as lucky as you are.

Agreed, especially in today's market. It wasn't the case back when I bought the properties. 15 years ago, it was a renters market. Landlords were under pressure, but cheaper prices and low interest rates made it feasible. My first house that I bought was cheaper per month than the apartment I was renting previously.

the right wing has literal nazis now

No more than the left does

Mate, it ain't possible to be left wing and a nazi.

That's a lie

Nazism is a far right ideology, my ignorant friend.

The Nazis are socialists

Lmao. The furthest you could possibly get from socialism is nazism. Got any logic or proof to back up your claim? Marxists, socialists, communists and other assorted leftists were among Hitler's first targets in the night of the long knives. Also, the famous poem, "first they came for the socialists..."

Try again.

False. The Nazis were the socialist party in Germany. They were left wing

Poor trolling. Do you have any evidence they were socialist? Anything more convincing than me calling myself a unicorn and expecting you to believe me?

LOL pointing out the fact that the National Socialist German Workers' Party is socialist is... Trolling? Get out of here when your trolling

Oh, boy, I was waiting for this. I even pre-empted it.

I claim to be a unicorn. Am I then, a unicorn?

How avout the Democratic People's Republic of Korea? Are they democratic? They must be! It's in the name!

No one would ever lie about what they are! I say this as a pegasus.

You must be very confused by the titmouse.

Also you have no critical thinking skills or self-awareness. Nothing but the ability to parrot superficial and mindless “talking points” because you’d prefer to be told your fear and bigotry are correct and righteous without actually putting in any thought or self-reflection of your own.

Lol all you people are the bigots. With the whole "the paradox of intolerance means I HAVE to be intolerant. I don't choose bigotry, the world forced me into it!"

This has to be rage bait. Such an obvious and pathetic strawman. That is not what the paradox of intolerance means. It means that a society, in order to truly be considered tolerant, must not tolerate intolerance; allowing intolerance only lets it fester and spread, and soon you are no longer a tolerant society.

It's a hateful creed adopted by the left to not only excuse, but treat as a demand to be intolerant.

It may sound sensible in normal times, but you people literally define being conservative as making one intolerant. Of which half the country is. Your belief system literally demands hate and discrimination against half of our fucking population. So incredibly hateful and pathetic

You have both misunderstood the idea and the application.

Very likely on purpose. How does it even make sense to call it a "creed"? It's hardly even a belief. It's an argument.

Do better.

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Literally no actual defense, just baseless counterattack. Nice. You’re a troll and an idiot.

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I just said I knew they were present, I didn't say I specifically had a problem with them. I personally think that we're don't have enough unions. Any time corporations are against something, that usually means it's good for employees and the environment. (I have no particular opinion on people's political notions). It's sad that people here on both ends of the political spectrum can't voice their opinion without being jumped on. Honestly it's worse than Reddit.

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