SpaceX projected 20 million Starlink users by 2022—it ended up with 1 million

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 426 points –
SpaceX projected 20 million Starlink users by 2022—it ended up with 1 million

SpaceX projected 20 million Starlink users by 2022—it ended up with 1 million::Starlink has a fraction of the projected $12B revenue and 20M users, WSJ says.


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Starlink is perfect for nationalization. Internet is. Infact, nationalize all utilities. Yes, internet should be a utility at this point. It should not be run for profit.

After Musk disabled Starlink to aid Russia, a hostile state in their efforts to invade a sovereign democracy, it should have been clear to everyone that Musk poses a very real security threat, and Starlink should have been seized and nationalised.

This fiasco is a glaring example that no one indvidual shold be able to accrue enough wealth to affect entire countries.

One of many, sadly. With the strong trend toward wealth consolidation they're not going to slow down any time soon.

Its insane to live through Gilded Age 2. The cycle repeats.

Complete with another unsuccessful Business Plot. But this time, some of the ringleaders may be punished.

What business plot? Elon musk's attempt to play military?

The corporate plot to overturn Democracy and turn the US into a Corporate Theocracy. Their minions the Republicans almost succeeded.

What the fuck? When was this? What' sit called? Where can I read more about this?

Thanks in advance

Holy shit it's literally called the "Business Plot". Horrifying that nobody was prosecuted. I imagine proof in those days may have been letters and phone calls, but proof of either could have been hard to collect or just avoided altogether by the perpetrators.

You should definitely look into it. A lot of the proof is Smedley Butler, an extremely interesting man.

I tweeted Oliver Stone about 10 years ago, suggesting he should make a movie about Butler. No response.

I want to make a series about him. Start it off as a pure military action show, slowly make the transition over like he did. Suck people in with the action, y'know?

Y'all all really think there isn't something more going on there? Like people being like "Crimea is Ukraine!" Well yes I agree with the sentiment, even the US government doesn't consider crimea to be Ukraine

Edit: After looking further I do see the US stance is that Crimea is Ukraine, however they have specifically not been providing weaponry with the intent of retaking Crimea (at least until recently where it seems they've taken a looser stance on it) similarly to how they weren't providing weaponry to attack Russia, the whole idea was that we were helping them defend themselves "only".

even the US government doesn’t consider crimea to be Ukraine

*citation needed

Look at how we handle Taiwan for an idea of how wishy-washy the US government is in these situations.

Biden has said we support Taiwan and it's independence, then directly after that our government walks it back to avoid escalating tensions with China.

Sorry I was definitely wrong about the US's stance overall on Crimea, however we specifically were not providing armaments that could/would be used to attack Crimea

My initial statement was based on my incorrect memory of what was said after the initial faux-"referendum" that caused it to be annexed (forcefully taken) by Russia (which they tried to pretend was by the people living in crimea), as the US didn't do much except slap a few sanctions on Russia.

I'll edit my initial comment to better reflect the truth.

As someone who lives in a country that formerly had a nationalized phone company in the internet age, and currently has a nationalized power company and airline. Dear God fuck no!

In my country, the main backbone is built, owned and operated by the government. The services on it are privatized

I say we let him build up a huge satellite fleet and then force him to sell a huge chunk of it under antitrust law.

You mean the same government that allowed XM and Sirius to merge with no other satellite radio competition would go after Starlink when they have competition (Hughesnet)?