Bodycam shows Seattle cop joking about "limited value" of 26 year old woman killed by police cruiser and also joking about writing it off as a cheque worth $11000. to World – 554 points –
Bodycam shows Seattle cop joking about "limited value" of woman killed by police cruiser. He claims he was misunderstood.

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Just remember... ACAB

I had to lookup what ACAB meant. Here's a summary: The Wikipedia article on "ACAB" discusses the acronym's usage in various contexts, primarily as an anti-police slogan. It explains that "ACAB" stands for "All Cops Are Bastards" and has been associated with criticism of law enforcement, especially in cases of police brutality and misconduct. The article also delves into its origins, history, and controversies surrounding its use, highlighting the differing opinions on its message. Additionally, it covers related topics such as "1312," an alternative numerical representation of ACAB.

I'm honestly surprised that someone that spends enough time on the internet to end up on lemmy doesn't know about ACAB.

Smells like bullshit for some reason to me but at the end of the day it changes nothing for me also so whatever

I like also like "All cops are bad" for when you want to get the message across without cursing or disparaging the parentless

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Including the ones who save people's lives?

I'd like to say no, but a good cop that stays silent and enables a bad cop to continue doing their bad shit is just as responsible imo

A "good" cop is more likely to be punished for reporting misconduct of his peers than a bad cop is for said misconduct

It is impossible to be a "good" police officer because the system of rules and regulations they enforce is, first of all, fundamentally unjust. Any laws or regulations which may be considered "just" are not enforced equally amongst different classes, races, sexual orientations, or genders. Anyone who chooses to obediently enforce such a fundamentally unjust system is not "good". Anyone who is "good" would never choose to enforce or perpetuate such a system and wouldn't be an officer for long. Anything that could be considered morally good done by a police officer will quickly be offset by their actions taken to perpetuate an unjust system.
Further, the fundamental responsibility of the police is to defend corporate capital and fill for-profit jails that are still essentially debtors prisons that put people, especially minorities, into a cycle of eternal debt and oppression. They are the lackeys of a state owned in full by capitalists, and in most cases they are (by design) too stupid to see it. If they are not too stupid to see it, then they enjoy inflicting violence with the authority vested in them by public trust. If they are neither too stupid nor especially violent, then they are simply ignorant.
People exist on a spectrum. Therefore police do as well. But the point is that all cops agree to enforce laws which are not equitable. Very few of those laws have anything to do with safety and are in fact designed to enhance the comfort of the bourgeoisie.

The current system actually punishes cops for "ratting out their own kind"

Good cops literally cannot exist

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