Trump Told General Milley to Banish Wounded Military Veteran From Events: ‘No One Wants to See That’ to politics – 658 points –
Trump Told General Milley to Banish Wounded Military Veteran From Events: ‘No One Wants to See That’

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The headline buries the lead. He calls all soldiers "killers." This an article everyone should read.

Yeah it's not news that reminding people of the Iraq war makes Republicans look bad.

I hate trump. But is he wrong? American soldiers are killers. Willingly joining wars where they are the aggressors and bomb schools and hospitals.

Not every soldier carries a gun. 70% of the US military is logistics.

I can't find the original comment but I think somebody said once that the real sign of the strength of the US military is that they can set up a Taco Bell anywhere on Earth in 72 hours.

The US military has an ice cream barge. A navy vehicle specifically for producing and distributing ice cream to their soldiers in combat arenas.

The average teenager has no realization about that stuff. The three main motivators for military service were (and remain) escaping poverty, service tradition, and ideology. And once you've enlisted the only choice is war or prison.

I have a lot more scorn for the adults that let Bush do it then I do for kids who didn't have a chance in hell of realizing what this country does with soldiers and veterans.

Even if he is right, he owes it to people to make the POLICY ARGUMENT rather than just shit on some veterans to protect his brand.

If he came out and said "veterans make Republicans look bad because of all their bad wars" maybe we'd cut him some slack.

The overhead to support one soldier is massive. But if we want to start referring to soldiers as killers, disparage the military, and make people think badly of them, then why spend so much money on it? Or do we just want to entice people to do a job everyone will look down on, blow a bunch of money on something everyone thinks is terrible, and treat those people like shit?

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