Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce, also selling Bandcamp

Pxtl@lemmy.ca to Games@lemmy.world – 370 points –
Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce

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Does Lemmy (this community specifically) circlejerk as hard as reddit does when it comes to Epic bad?

Very yes. I like Lemmy but there's a lot of "corporation bad giv updoot" here.

There's so few instances of corporations doing actually good things so opinions tend to skew negative. Epic hasn't been thought of fondly since they started doing those exclusivity deals to try and bring people to their platform rather than making their platform a worthy competitor to Steam.

It's very rare that those who hate Epic also hate Valve though, so it's not about standing against a corporation. People just defend what they are used to and Epic disrupts that.

I'll be the first to say that I only begrudgingly accept Steam exists. However, I avoid using it and vastly prefer GOG due to the DRM-free nature of their store and the offline installers.

Just because the hate on Epic is vocal does not mean that everyone likes the Steam status quo.

Nor does it mean that the hate towards Epic doesn't have any basis. They did a lot of shit that caused them to have a bad reputation.

GOG has 0.5 to 2% of the market share, so I see no contradiction in my point on the scenario being rare.

You're presuming the contributors to Lemmy are just the same in their choices of gaming as the broader market.

It doesn't take that much reading of posts in Lemmy to conclude that it's heavilly biased towards adults, techies and lefties.

In Statistics you can only make presumptions about a subset of subjects from statistical distribution data from the whole universe of subjects if the subset has been randomly selected, which this one most definitelly hasn't - if only because of the "Reddit migration" Lemmy is filled with people with a certain kind of mindset (the ones for whom the actions of the Reddit CEO were displeasing enough to make them want to move and who actually had the will to do so) which isn't at all the average person's behaviour (the "average" just stayed there) plus even the Reddit population was already not representative of gamers generally (older in general).

The general market share of GOG might give you a hint that here too it's likely going to have fewer customers than something like Steam, but judging by comments I've read here it's probably more than 2%, at least amongst commenters (no idea about lurkers).

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Why do people always say this as if these forums are some niche group and not a huge spread of the general population?

If you're seeing multiple communities with a general opinion, maybe it's "people hate them" instead of "why do all these different groups hate the same thing?"

It's getting pretty tiring on Reddit. You'd think Sweeney were Hitler. I get that Epic's exclusives were annoying, but they also give us free games every week. The hate is far past justification.

Nah, fuck ‘em for hating on Linux too. If they put as much effort into supporting it as they do to opposing it there’d be a lot more love for Epic.

Opposing it? EOS supports Linux, EAC works on the Deck, and Epic regularly invest in things like Lutris. Sure, there are no native Linux ports on the Epic store, but that's not been the general direction of the industry either. Proton/Wine can still be used to run the games sold by Epic.

I’d put buying Psyonix (rocket league) and immediately killing Linux support as particularly damning, but Tim Sweeneys dislike of Linux is well known.

And … odd coincidence "payday 2 coming to epic games but drops linux support"

Rocket League also dropped Mac support, which would be perfectly compatible with the store, so you can't argue it was about Linux. The actual reason was the need to upgrade to DX11.

Payday 2 has no connection to Epic, but it's common for developers to revisit and update games when releasing on a new platform. For example, the upcoming Steam port of THPS 1+2 even has a new developer behind it, and set to include achievements and potentially other perks.

There are also games like Rust that have dropped native Linux support without any ties to Epic.

Edit: Fixed an improperly formatted link.

I by no means have a raging hate-boner for Epic or anything, but they've definitely done enough to irritate me to the point where I haven't even bothered with the store for the free games.

It started off poorly with the store launching in such a bad state that it would've failed the HTML class I took in high school (it didn't even have a cart. How can you launch a shopping site without even having the ability for people to buy more than one item at a time? I learned how to program that in 2007!) and it went downhill from there with stuff like the exclusivity deals and that sale they did where they marked 30% off on games that hadn't even released yet, without even telling the developers or asking permission. Then they've rushed to embrace pretty muchthing I've praised Valve for refusing to deal with, from NFT games to AI that may or may not be violating copyright laws with the stuff making up the learning databases.

Plenty to criticise, but I'm getting tired of watching them try to shove their foot back into their mouth.

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