Now that we're finally out of reddit, can we finally get different tag for NSFW and NSFL? to – 1205 points –

For the uninitiated, generally NSFW is for sexual contents and NSFL is for gory contents. People may want to see one but not see the other at any time for any reason. I have seen this feature requested over the years in Reddit but it never happens. Maybe now some instance can finally implement it?


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Why can’t people just not look at the name of the community and then easily conclude if it’s sexual content or gory content?

Edit: Seems my English skills fucked me over.

Real answer? Because technology could easily do it for you if people tag posts in OP’s proposed way. Just one less thing for a viewer to have to think about.

It would also allow for different filters. Blur NSFW, but not nsfl, or vice versa. Or even only show post of one and hide others entirely, without having to block communities by hand.

Sometimes NSFW images are appropriate in otherwise SFW communities. For instance, imagine a community on exterior design that had a post with a picture of that building in Germany with the five-story-high penis on it. Or a community for desktop themes that has a post with nudes wallpaper. Or a community about a certain celebrity that posts pictures of her car wreck.

Then you would look at the community name and concluding that the image is about exterior design, but not something you should look at, at work.

I didn’t type my original post correctly.

Looking at pictures of external design is usually pretty safe to look at when you're at work. I imagine architects do it all the time.

I follow the Ukrainian war. Blocking all NSFW blocks so much of the news.

I want to block porn, not news.

So the Ukrainian war posts should be tagged as NSFL then?

The graphic ones should be. Videos of death and fighting, yes.

If it's just politics, general news, or Russia acting like a baby, no.

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