Nothing to see here, just join lemmy promoting a pedophile instance. Not a good look for the fediverselocked to – 304 points –

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In case anyone is wondering, it's rqd2.

The definition of paraphilia is "a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities.", which can inclde pedophilia.

It has recieved 4 censures from fediseer due to the content contained on that instance

Not a good look for Lemmy to be promoting any instance like that.

You can see for yourself here

Update: A pull request was sent to remove the sus instance. It should no longer show up soon


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Yeah I'm deleting this app now. I love a nice alternative to reddit, but considering how much unblurred porn bleeds through to my timeline with no provocation, I really don't want to run the risk of something truely heinous like whatever is associated with this making it to my Frontpage.

You can simply block NSFW, you can do it in your settings

Might be wise to reverse the default. Those who want can enable it.

All fine, answers clarified.

That's how it is. Even on the largest porn instance (, you need to check the box explicitly on the sign up page. (And on the second biggest I know of ( there's a full page consent splash screen before even you can even reach the sign up page.

The thread starter is complaining about posts which should be marked as NSFW, but are not. I personally haven't noticed any of that, but I mostly stick to "subscribed" views instead of "All"

That's how Lemmy works already. When you register, the registration page gives the option to enable NSFW - i.e. it is off by default. (At least on and on dbzer0, I haven't checked other instances but I believe they work the same, except the porn instances.)

Bye, hope you can figure out the one simple checkbox that blocks all that stuff on whatever other aggregator you end up on.

You have an account on an instance with a very active admin team. We were even the first one to report this specific instance to the rest of the admins. We didn't do it in public to not give them any kind of exposure.

As others in this thread have suggested, you can disable NSFW communities completely by disabling the NSFW flag in your user settings.

If it helps, I use (and its PWA for mobile browsing) and haven't seen any porn at all in my feed. I assume it's filtered out by default, but I haven't checked. I don't get any of the extreme political stuff in my feed either.

Yep, there was some in the early days but nowadays it seems to be gone to the point I think it's bugged and hiding all NSFW content regardless of your profile setting.

I occasionally see something tagged as "18+", although it's never been porn. I have wondered if it's bugged, too, but I don't really mind either way - there are other websites that are far, far better for porn if that's what I'm looking for. Maybe there's some great non-porn, non-gore content that I've been missing out on, but I think the chances are fairly slim.

  1. Go to "Communities"

  2. Select "All"

  3. Subscribe to any & all communities that interest you

  4. Click on your username and select "Settings"

  5. Scroll down to "Type" and select "Subscribed"

Congratulations, your front page now only consists of content you explicitly asked for.

Kbin is much better. I don't see any porn.

Lemmy user here, I don't see it either... The guy has bad settings

You don't see porn on the front page of lemmy either, if you used the "subscribed" view, instead of treating "ALL" as if it doesn't contain everything.

I look at "everything" and it shows everything people around the world have made, good and bad, how dare they!

I want to use zero amount of effort and have it catered to exactly what I like! But I don't want to be tracked or have any algorithms knowing what I like!

It's honestly depressing at how Lemmy has turned over the last few months since I joined. I would now never mention I use the site or recommend it to others. There's just too many fucking landmines for new users to step over to have a good experience here.

I'm sticking with it for the time being, but I don't see myself ever using it again if it gets worse.