Kevin McCarthy is ousted as House speaker in a historic vote pushed by conservatives to – 797 points –
Live updates: Kevin McCarthy removed as House speaker

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Damn. I guess the gop speaker will never compromise with the dems ever again.

EDIT: I meant in the context of the bill that mccarthy passed on Saturday with the help of the dems. Any new speaker will be very wary of pissing off the gaetz crowd.

McCarthy almost did the right thing by letting the funding bill come to the floor, but it also stripped Ukraine funding and was a can to kick things down the road giving us only 45 days till we're in the same spot. He could have also offered consessions to the Dems for their vote, which he refused to do. Add to that what is a literal witchhunt of an Impechment inquiry, why do you think the Dems should have saved him?

I don't think they should have saved him. I added some context to my comment, since everyone is thinking I meant something very different.

This is politics on Lemmy. What is this "context" you refer to? We don't do that here.

Refusing to cooperate with Democrats is what sank him.

He needed support from Democrats to keep the Speakership. He's spent the entire year giving them no reason to trust him -- including going on the Sunday shows this week knowing this vote was coming and trying to blame Democrats for the near shutdown.

This. If he had just stuck to the deal that was agreed to with Biden, he'd probably still be speaker.

But no, he had to try and play both sides.

Now the fascists are going to get their speaker in and there will very likely be a shutdown in 45 days

“I’m gonna play both sides, that way I’ll always end up on top”

Yeah, he was supposed to play both sides against each other. Instead, he got them both against himself 🤦‍♂️

Ah, ok that makes sense now. I hadn't really kept up on dem/mccarthy relations. I was referring to the new leader being afraid to piss off the gaetz crowd by working with Dems even once.

tell me you haven't been paying attention to republican politics since 2016, without, you know, telling me

I added a bit of context to my comment, I definitely didn't communicate my thinking well.

I meant that a new speaker will be scared of the gaetz crowd. They'll be even less cooperative than the gop have been.

McCarthy knew that a government shutdown would have pissed off even more Republicans in Congress, including all of those in vulnerable districts.

For example, Boebert's district. Notice how for once she didn't vote alongside Gaetz? Behind closed doors, there were plenty of Congressional Republicans telling McCarthy that making make a deal with Democrats was preferable to a politically suicidal shutdown.

The new speaker will only survive if the new speaker can get support from some of both parties. The lesson is clear.

I think that's an impossible act in this day and age.

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