In Gaza, where nearly half of the population is under 18, a children's rights crisis is unfolding

المنطقة عكف عفريت to – 463 points –
In Gaza, where nearly half of the population is under 18, a children's rights crisis is unfolding

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Honestly disgusting how the media overlooks this. No idea what these children have ever done. Irrespective of what side you support this is genocide and this should not be tolerated.

"noooo these children voted for Hamas they deserve every bit of suffering they get"

Fucking assholes.

These children can’t have voted for hamas. The last election in Palestine was in 2006.

Well I'm sure they would if we would let them not starve until the next one. Ben and his psychotic entourage, probably.

They will see all of this and serve as warriors in the next generation of hatred. Just like the other side too.

Children didn't vote for the Nazis in the 1930s either but they still died when we bombed German cities. Children die in wars, it's an unfortunate fact, and Hamas just declared war on their neighbours.

Israeli children die: "bomb all of Gaza, kill as many kids as needed until Hamas is over"

Palestinian children die: "it's just war, mate, what can I say? War sucks :("

Screw this crap.

There's a huge difference between an official declaration of war and warning civilians and sneaking in in early morning and killing them in their beds isn't there?

This was the top story on NPR's up first podcast today. They didn't exactly blame Isreal directly, but they also didnt defend Israel and suggest this is somehow justified. They stuck pretty close to here is what is happening on the ground, here's voices of those affected, this is a humanitarian tragedy and will only get worse. They mentioned a woman in Gaza rationing milk for her baby due to the food shortage, that stuck with me. So I guess #notallmedia.

The coverage on the NYT The Daily podcast was spot on what I would expect from the outlet that cheared us into invading Iraq. Trash podcast, I don't know why I'm still subscribed. Should have dumped it after they spent a whole episode making a martyr out of the praying football coach.

NPR's coverage has been very good so far. They are trying their best to remain impartial in a difficult situation where there is a humanitarian crisis. I think it's the right thing to do. The media doesn't need to point fingers at Israel when they can just report the facts and people can see where the blame lies.

I'll second this. Every time they mention the Israeli casualty toll, they mention the Palestinian right at the same time.

While interviewing someone about Israeli response, they took the time to raise the question about plans for Palestinian civilians (unfortunately the answer was "we must destroy Hamas", clearly indicating the civilians dying is perfectly fine by him).

Israelis themselves in Israeli media: our own president propped up Hamas until we reached this here attack today

International media: Baaaa it's Hamas' fault! Do you condemn Hamas? I said, do you condemn Hamas?

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