Israeli girl, 12, seen in viral ‘Harry Potter’ photo found dead with grandma in Gaza

Praise to World – 183 points –
Israeli girl, 12, seen in viral ‘Harry Potter’ photo found dead with grandma in Gaza

The 12-year-old Israeli girl whose “Harry Potter”-inspired photo went viral after she was kidnapped by Hamas has been found dead alongside her grandmother in Gaza.


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Not that that's a big leap to make, you're just blowing smoke out your ass.

I looked at 5-10 articles to find cause of death. Israeli officials aren’t releasing it. My presumption could be wrong. Why not release the cause of death? 🤔

Edit: One article did say rescue workers found her. Just saying…

I don’t think this girl or her grandma went to Gaza of their own accord. Bringing people into an area you’re going to make a war zone after an attack still makes you at fault for their death.

I'm sorry, is Gaza doing a bombing campaign on itself? Hamas is horrible, but bombing hostages and civilians is not the right play here. All of you calling these bombings justified don't want peace or justice, you want revenge. And that revenge costs more innocent people's lives.

I’m glad I’m not the only one that understands Israel’s role in her death.

If a bunch of Hamas terrorists drag a 12 year old into the path of an incoming bombardment, they're still the ones responsible for that death.

Full stop, it's always the one who sent the missle who kills the person and is responsible. It's always up to them to verify that civilians aren't around the target. Isreal doesn't care about childrens being a victim of their attacks.


So, if I shoot at you and hide behind a child, it is your fault for defending yourself? Not mine for TAKING A HOSTAGE?

The missle was miles away, no one was in danger when it was sent except the literal person that it killed (and a bunch of civilians that probably had nothing to do with it, half of them statistically children)

When there is a hostage situation, the cops don't bomb the whole building even when shot at. Any hostage death directly caused by an officer is a complete and utter failure.

I reject your rhetoric. Your analogy is clearly not apt and still points to unacceptable behavior.

Isreal does not care about the hostages, they do not care about the civilians and children casualties. They are killing swaths of people to steal land, to cleanse whole towns ethnically and to "teach" Hamas a lesson.

I'm constantly surprised how easy it is for certain people to cheer on genocide and mass murder. You should be ashamed.

If I shoot back while you're behind that child, it shows how little I care about the child, or at the very least conflicting priorities.

And what happens when the person hiding behind that child is shooting at other children? You do the best you can, but sometimes, shit happens.

You're still just as much as enemy of that hostage as the hostage taker is.

Well maybe israel shouldn't bomb the area and focus on saving the hostage like everyone have told them, she wouldn't be dead

So, you want a full blown ground invasion of Gaza.

Someone ordered the bombing. They’re to blame. Should we go back to the Nakba, the Balfour Declaration and the British mandate? Or are we aiming for the Garden of Eden and original sin? Let’s take the philosophical route and delve into the origins of human nature. Maybe she’s still alive in another universe. The inability for some to see the context of history and the cause and effect that occurs limits my hope for humanity. We have the ability to seek and learn knowledge, but choose not to, based on some indoctrinated belief system that was neither designed or chosen by the vast majority. God works in mysterious ways.

Hamas started the war and hid in cities, trying to make sure enough civilians were around that Israel had trouble retaliating after they launched their rockets at civilians. They're genocidal terrorists who are religious fanatics. I'm gonna blame them for their hostage dying. If you aren't, that's a you problem.

Hamas started the war

Revisionist history

You can either insist there's been a consistent conflict since 1948, which was started by the Arabs, or you can mark the beginning of the current conflict at the massive terrorism attack by Hamas this year. Take your pick.

But acting like Israel's carpet bombing of Gaza is like a force of nature is weird as well, no? The way you say it, it sounds like Hamas took the hostages into the path of a Hurricane. Was it so clear to everyone that Israel wouldn't give a shit about the hostages and would be bombing Gaza indiscriminately?

If Israel was carpet bombing Gaza, we would have a million dead civilians now. I don't know why y'all need to make shit up.

There's more than 3.5k palestine death caused by israeli indiscriminately bombing. Having less than what you expect doesn't make them any hero

I love how no one in this thread cares about all the Palestinian children that died in those bombings, and probably still more are dying. None of these killings are justified, it's all horrible. The only thing we should be considering is peace, but I see barely any of you doing that. (If it wasn't obvious, I'm not directing this message towards you, just all of the down voting losers)

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According to Hamas, there is that many dead.

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What a shame. You limit your understanding of this conflict.

It's just reality, man

Sure, reality.

Why are you guys never coming up with a source that shows the opposite? Who started this war in your opinion? Was it Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Iraq, Yemen, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Sudan? Because they sure as shit startet a war one day after Israel was declared a state in this region.

On 14 May 1948, the day before the expiration of the British Mandate, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, declared "the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz-Israel, to be known as the State of Israel."[167][168] The only reference in the text of the Declaration to the borders of the new state is the use of the term Eretz-Israel ("Land of Israel").[169] The following day, the armies of four Arab countries—Egypt, Syria, Transjordan and Iraq—entered into parts of what had been British Mandatory Palestine, launching the 1948 Arab–Israeli War;[170][171][172] contingents from Yemen, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Sudan joined the war.

And this pretty much looks like Israel likely did not start this war or this conflict and had to fight for their existence from day one. I'm not saying that everything they're doing is acceptable or that they are not fueling this war too, but I pretty much understand that they are in a life or death situation since from the very beginning.

And to all possible Downvoters: instead of just downvoting me, please try to explain the issues with my conclusion or come up with some other sources if I missed something.

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So what you're telling us is that both sides have equal blame in this terrorist attack that took the lives of so many civilians?

I can agree with that, it's reasonable

Don’t put words in my mouth if you want to seem reasonable.

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In place I come from neither identify or crime details are released if the victim was kid.

Hadn’t thought of that. But shouldn’t they state that in an article? It would be helpful.

Don't know. They could. Maybe it's because it's a tabloid or it might be considered a "norm" in their way of operation.

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