'People are sick and tired’: the man challenging far-right extremist Lauren Boebert

Salamendacious@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 473 points –
‘People are sick and tired’: the man challenging far-right extremist Lauren Boebert

After Boebert’s Beetlejuice embarrassment, Adam Frisch hopes he can wrestle the Colorado congresswoman’s seat from her


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If only they'd put his name in the freaking headline. Give him some easy name recognition...

His platform is very lackluster. He’s basically running on not being her. :-/

Interesting … because let’s be honest, that’s pretty much enough reason for most people to vote for him

But you're talking sense... Not 'Murrican...


Would it be “talking sense” if he were for dropping a nuke somewhere?

When your opponent is making a series of bad decisions, that is enough. People really are sick and tired of the blatant BS.

I've looked at the republican candidates in my local elections the last few years and that's pretty much the entirety of their platforms. Most of their websites literally listed zero platform at all, it's annoying as hell

There's a whole page of his views and plans for different issues here https://adamforcolorado.com/issues/

Hence my comment.

I'm reading the document provided by killeeronthecorner. This is what I see:

  • He will fight for Western Colorado water rights.
  • He will push for an 'all of the above' energy plan which likely includes solar, wind, hydro, nuclear, and petrochemical.
  • He will push for farmer-friendly policies, which ties to the above plus opposing 'bad' regulations and opening markets.
  • He will take actions in support of small businesses.
  • Opposing 'bad' regulations, again.
  • Job Training.
  • Upgrade (presumably power and internet) infrastructure
  • He will tackle inflation (albeit without a good plan on how to deal with the current causes of inflation...)
  • He is pro-choice.
  • He is pro-environmentalism.

He's definitely a blue-dog Democrat, more conservative than I'd like, but this is CO-03 we're talking about. You're NOT going to get a progressive firebrand to represent that district. You're going to get somebody who is on the Conservative end of the spectrum. Getting a Pro-Choice Moderate Democrat who is in any way open to Green policies in the district that includes Farmers and Oil Men and places like Rifle would be a godsend, considering the person who CURRENTLY represents CO-03 is rabidly anti-choice and quite interested in pushing radical MAGA policies. You get what you can take out of a place like CO-03.

I mean, I think we’re too late to prevent global environmental catastrophe, but we should try hard. Otoh, I understand you.

He's a former banker who lives in Aspen. Of course he has no strong opinions other than maintain status quo.

The sword of truth, at last! Thank you.

For me personally that would suffice lol. It doesn't get much worse than Bobert

If there is anything the last 3 years has taught me, it can always get worse.

The election is a year away. And why make an unforced error?

It's UK newspaper. Literally none of the readership will know his name.

Imagine thinking that in 2023 an UK newspaper is restricted to only UK readers.

Imagine thinking that just because a paper is available on the web, the editorial style isn’t dictated by its domestic audience.

I expect you will also be shocked that when they reference ‘The Prime Minister’ they quite often don’t even bother to reference which country’s prime minister they are taking about. Shocking, eh?

I'm in the US and, surprisingly, I'm seeing it. Weird place. It's like we have this web around the world connecting people. Maybe we could call it the Global Net, or GN for short.

Yes, I sort of guess led you were American. I think the giveaway is the assumption that everyone globally should know the the minutiae of American domestic politics, and the shock that minor political figures might not be known by name.

Sure, but if you're writting an article on them you at least think it's important enough to write an article on them. I don't think anyone outside of the US, or even outside Colorado, should care about this, but the author here did. If it's that important to them, the least they could do is include the name in the headline. Either that or it isn't important and both the creation of this article, as well as the posting of it, was a complete waste of time. Idk which one it is.

No. Because the purpose of the article is to bring the person to the reader’s attention for the first time. It is ‘here is this person who is new to you, who has doing something interesting’.

They might come out of the article knowing the person’s name, but they are not going into it that way, so leading on the name would be a failure of a headline

Gotta leave some bait in the title.