Hamas Fails to Make Case That Israel Struck Hospital

Bernie Ecclestoned@sh.itjust.works to World News@lemmy.world – 68 points –

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And everyone else has failed to make a case it wasn't Israel...

You won't know that if you just read headlines, because headlines misrepresented the actual quotes in the articles....


Yep, got a couple examples of headlines misrepresenting quotes...

Weird how many people want different requirements for Palestine and Israel

Well, it does sound like you just read the headlines...

Cool, then link me an article with a quote from a foreign government/official definitively saying it wasn't Israel, should be easy if I'm wrong. If I'm right you won't be able to.

Easy peasy

Biden also said covid was over. I dont think it is reasonable to trust Biden.

Well, that say is in the link "appears".

Not definitive...

the good thing is its not definitive that reality exists so none of this could actually be happening anyway. If you think reality exists please provide a link proving definitively that it does.

If you want a better analogy it would be Christians insisting their religion is real without proof, but demanding proof from every other religion.

If Hamas needs to prove it wasn't them, why doesn't Israel?

For some reason holding both to equal standards isn't popular

I am unaware of anyone pointing to hamas having to prove it was not them to a greater degree than israel. If anything it was the opposite. Honestly since hamas does not have as central an authority most "proof" it was not hamas came from all over the place.

While we continue to collect information, our current assessment, based on analysis of overhead imagery, intercepts and open-source information, is that Israel is not responsible for the explosion at the hospital in Gaza yesterday,” Watson said in a statement on Wednesday.

Not sure why you replied twice, but again, not definitive

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Article offers a well balanced take with multiple viewpoints, but the main topic of concern of the article is Hamas removing the munition from the site which would have been the most definitive way to tell, presumably to prevent further investigation on that front, hence the headline.

Ultimately though I think focusing on this specific event as a rallying cry to advocate for Palestinians is a mistake. There's still a lot we don't know, and sounds like at least a good chance this was an accidental misfire from Islamic Jihad, who even admits in the article to misfires before just saying they didn't do one "this bad" before. If this event keeps getting pushed even as more evidence comes out suggesting misfire, it'll potentially distract from the thousands of other lives that Israel is clearly and demonstrably responsible for taking by making people shut out or disbelieve other claims.

And everyone else has failed to make a case it wasn’t Israel…

This is not how it works. Israel is not guilty until proven otherwise - you have to PROVE that Israel is guilty of this attack in the first place.


Same for Palestine.

Why do you have higher expectations of Hamas than you do of Israel?

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