Police in China rescue over 1,000 cats from being slaughtered and sold as mutton, pork

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to World News@lemmy.world – 313 points –
Police in China rescue over 1,000 cats from being slaughtered and sold as mutton, pork

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if they "rescued 1000 cats" from being sold as pork meat, that means at least 1,000,000 cats are sold as pork every day.. this is just a little show for the newspapers..

so if you're actually in China right now eating what you think is "pork", Bon Appetit i guess

if they "rescued 1000 cats" from being sold as pork meat, that means at least 1,000,000 cats are sold as pork every day

What kind of logic is that? Why stop at a million, why not a billion.

this is China.. maybe you don't understand how big China is, and how many people live there.. how many servings of "pork" fried rice get served every day.. or how their law enforcement works.. only the crooks who don't pay the cops enough get caught..

You're telling a Chinese guy he doesn't understand China. Nice mansplaining (racesplaining?).

I'm pointing out the ridiculousness of drawing assumptions and calculating frequency of events from a single incident. Yes, I'm sure it happens. How frequently it happens is harder to say. It's as if somebody sneezed and you declared an epidemic is happening in your town. One data point is an anecdote, not data.

oh you're Chinese, that explains it.. hey do you know the Chinese Military's primary capability in war? it's the ability to send millions of men to die, and not care.. the Russians use the same strategy, but they don't have quite as many bodies to pile up..

Hello racist. Nice of you to introduce yourself. Now I can make note of you, and next time I see you, I'll remember to ignore you

you go ahead and make your little computer do whatever makes you feel safer

Okie 🥰 done

aww you're cute.. like a little child.. you can give me more labels than that, i know you can.. i'm probably sexist too..

Hmm yes yes. I should definitely label you as sexist as well. Maybe also dipshit. Yes yes that one is good. 😁

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Have we moved from millions of cats to millions of cannon fodder, now? That aside, I'm not sure what point you're trying to get at.

i just wanted to watch you be cavalier about it

Chinese, but not a China citizen. Fuck the CCP. Hopefully someday China'll have actual civil rights.

it’s the ability to send millions of men to die

Isn't that the whole point of war? See which side ran out of men/women faster.

that's exactly how the Chinese see it, yeah.. in the West we study von Clausewitz, who said that military power is an extension of politics.. von Clausewitz was part of a time in the West called The Enlightenment.. the Chinese have yet to participate in it.. they're still a few hundred years behind mentally..

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Why is it worse to eat a cat than to eat a pig?

Cats are friends.

Pigs are way way nicer animals than cars. Cats are evil and grumpy. A pig is cheerful and friendly

Because a pig is smarter and cats are devious minions of satan

Exactly. The title read to me like "look at those good police saving the cars from being killed for meat". How about the millions of pigs that get slaughtered to be sold as pork meat. We don't care about them?

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I mean I'd eat cat if you just labeled it cat.

What i don't understand is how any meat can be passed off as both pork AND mutton, two very different types of meat.

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