Israel to refuse visas to UN officials after Guterres speech on Gaza war to – 242 points –
Israel to refuse visas to UN officials after Guterres speech on Gaza war

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If you dont 100% agree with every action of Israel's government, then you're their enemy.

It's a common thing with far right religious extremists.

far right religious extremists.


I've never met a far right religious extremist that wasn't a fascist...

But there are some non religious fascists.

It's a square/rectangle thing.

For sure. Just making sure that word gets thrown into the mix for accuracy.

And it’s because you’re an antisemite.

The instant someone makes that accusation, I disengage. I’ve learned the hard way.

People think that calling someone antisemitic (or anti-Muslim) is a great debate tactic if you’re trying to put your opponent on the defensive and derail the conversation. There’s a major difference between criticizing a government/organization and general bigotry, and they know that perfectly well, but people who want an easy, emotional argument don’t care. They’re not interested in details.

They’re not interested in details.

Same goes for most critics of Israel. They don't want to listen because they don't care. They already have their made up facts to parrot, even if they know little of actual history of the region.

Yeah. The argument I made applies in reverse, too. Trying to hide racism by calling it “political discourse” is bullshit.