Police say there’s an active shooter in Lewiston, Maine, and they are investigating multiple scenes

WhiteOakBayou@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 530 points –
At least 10 dead in Maine shooting and number expected to rise, law enforcement officials say

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Maybe be the change you want to see in the world instead of bitching, then.

edit: go ahead and keep downvoting me, when the right does finally manage a coup they'll be the only ones with any guns you stupid motherfuckers. For now, the 2nd amendment is your right -- you want to forgo it until they take it away from you (and only you), be my guest.

You alright buddy?

If you check the other thread here, he's clearly not.

He's clearly a troll. Don't feed the trolls, people.

His new flare also says he's banned from the community, so ... mission accomplished?

His profile did say the mods hate him haha. Good riddance.

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I'm pro-gun but anti-2A precisely because of fuckers like you who insist we can't do anything about this stuff because 2A so we just have to live with mass shootings.

Nope if 2A is standing in the way of sensible regulation, then get rid of it. Then I'll fight for reasonable laws around gun ownership. 2A is the problem.

Bingo, license (no test just who you are where you live like a DL) register (every firearm) and own a fucking tank of you want, I don't care. The biggest issue is you can pretty easily get ahold of one without anyone knowing you have one so the thought someone could get away is much more pervasive.

Not from the US but isn't it like that US Citizens do not have to register their current place of living? If true I think they could get a grip of the gun madness by fixing that problem.

They could couple permission for buying guns and ammo to have the buyer have a registered residency and showing their ID which would be checked against a federal database which logs the amount of guns and ammo bought.

If a buyer is reaching some tresholds they'd have to ask for a permit and give some convincing reasons why they need them. Especially when they want to buy AR's or other heavy weaponry.

When set in effect, every US citizen has to register their current weapons. After a grace period, owning unregistered weapons and getting caught will get the buyer a ban for owning weapons and having to re-apply for permissions after some time. Getting caught multilple times is a perma ban.

Every US citizen should have the right to buy guns and ammo to protect themselves even if they don't have a permanent residency. Those could be allowed to buy a handgun, also logged in the federal DB with their ID or SSN.

Everyone who wants a permit to buy guns needs to complete a training from a state agency.

That long-ass plan for a better world would see the first major roadblock with the refusal to register their residency by at least 50% of the US-population, right? And it could also be that many left leaning, dems or libertarians would give that idea a hard pass.

So yeah...probably every part of this plan collides with the US idea of individual freedom. Take a look at Switzerland maybe.

Basically yes.

That's the idea. Not on ammo though, reloading is better for the environment so let's not impede that.

No. That's a search, you can't do that in the United States.

That's the idea.

That's the idea.

Nope. You have to offer incentives to businesses so they want to make people do it or they won't sell it, then it's a business meeting a business decision not the government imposing it's will. I mean it still is but most people over here are not huge on critical thinking.

Probably, so you incentiveize it. Again then it's people sneaking a couple dollars from the government, not the government imposing it's will.

Not really, people are just dumb and there's a lot of money involved in keeping it controversial. You can literally watch profits of the big ammo manufacturers rise and fall every 4 -8 years they're not going to let that go easily.

Sensible regulations would be rubber bullets for newly minted firearms owners. Keep it empty, but if the day comes that you think about going on a mass shooting spree, you'll probably change your mind when you remember that you'll be loading rubber bullets and have to explain yourself after you've shot someone.

when the right does finally manage a coup they’ll be the only ones with any guns you stupid motherfuckers

Believe it or not, the US military has many guns.

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Who the heck is paying you to preach this crap? They need a better representative.

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So... go buy a gun and shoot him myself? No thanks, voting is my weapon of choice and I use it like a machine gun

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