Mother of 12-year-old carjacking suspect turned him in to police to – 214 points –
Mother of 12-year-old carjacking suspect turned him in to police

An attempted carjacking Saturday night left a 13-year-old dead after a security officer shot him; another boy, 12, is in custody


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Self-defense is one thing.

Car-defense is another.

If somebody is threatening your life for your stuff then they are still threatening your life. Their motive doesn't change the fact that they are threatening to kill you.

But no lives were actually threatened.

An unarmed 13 year old who could pantomime met a grown ass US Marshal.

Once again the actual intent doesn't matter because that was only known to them. The only people who knew if they actually had weapons or not were them and you're going to fault people for believing them when they said they did. They were threatening another persons life (once again no one knew they were faking it except them) that is the only thing that maters in this situation.

They knowingly made the marshal believe they had weapons, was the marshal just supposed to let themself get shot? There are a lot of things to criticize US police for, but protecting themselves when there is a clear, deliberate, and imminent threat on their lives is not one of them.

Yes it's sad that a troubled kid with an underdeveloped brain made a stupid decision and was killed for it. But that doesn't make it ok to victim blame someone for defending themself from a threat upon their life.

"Once again the actual intent doesn’t "

The fuck it doesn't, you absolute goddam monster.

Ok rather than childish name calling, explain to me how that marshal had any way of knowing what their intent was. Also it is convient how you left the last part of that sentence off.

That person cannot know the intent, only that it appears their life is threatened, your shortsighted if you cannot see that.

Courts tend to disagree with you. Even if a weapon is simulated, if used as a threat, it's often considered the same as actually having the weapon, because the victim is threatened just the same.

pardon me sir, please may I verify the lethality of your weapon before we continue this discourse?

If I poke you in your back with a stick and say "do exactly as I say and you might, just might, live through this"

Are you seriously going to:

  • go "nah bro, I don't believe you, go home, you're drunk" or
  • are you going to take me very fucking seriously and not only comply but also try to think really hard and fast about getting out of dodge using any (and I do mean any) means necessary because you reasonably assume I have a loaded gun pressed against your back?

If you answer the first option, then we stop now, as you're clearly being dishonest.

Well... you won't believe me, but when I was walking home through an alley at night after my community College classes, and I had a .22 pressed into my back shoulder with a voice saying "don't fucking move", I turned around (pretty slowly in fact), took the gun (quite casually in fact) and then watched the dude run.

Then I called 911, turned the gun over to the cops, and filed a report.

I didn't have a gun myself, and I didn't shoot at his back with his gun.

So ya... I see what you are trying to do, but personally, I think I'm just pretty dumb and not a pussy.

Cops told me the guy was a simple mugger who had been working the block for about a month, and I should have just given him my wallet, but they also seemed pretty jazzed to have his gun.

you won't believe me

Correct. I did not.

I think I'm just pretty dumb

At least we agree on something

Cops told me the guy was a simple mugger who had been working the block for about a month, and I should have just given him my wallet, but they also seemed pretty jazzed to have his gun.

And then everyone clapped

Great job sugartits.

You won the internet with your "he should have murdered that unarmed 13 year old" rhetoric.

Feel like a big boy now?

Cus all I see is you and your kin. A bunch of piss babies running round with your guns.

No mass shootings ended. But yall real efficient bout murdering brown children.

Yet again you've missed the point. And now you reply with emotion and anger instead of thinking, even for a moment.

I can tell you again and again, as others have done. However, sadly I cannot make you understand.

For the record, I do not own any weapons. Never have and probably never will.

You argue like a child. Assuming you're a tankie.

What about self defense when in a car?

What about self defense in a box?

Self defense from a fox?

Your levity at the summary execution of a 13 year old speaks for itself.

Your inability to comprehend basic written information is concerning.

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