Alabama Mayor Kills Self After Right-Wing Blog Outs His Cross-Dressing to – 1217 points –
Alabama Mayor Kills Self After Right-Wing Blog Outs His Cross-Dressing

Bubba Copeland shot himself in front of police on Friday, days after he begged 1819 News not to expose his private life.


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The only thing they actually care about is how they're perceived by the rest of the cult.

Do you consider Islam and Judaism to also be a cult?

Basing your entire moral philosophy on an invisible sky daddy is weird and cultish. You should do some serious critical thinking when developing a moral philosophy, it shouldn't be based on ancient texts and interpreted by people who want your money.

"critical thinking" aka dismissing anything that cannot be 100% proven and holding religious scripture to a less fairer standard than most historical documents.

Liberals: “We need to be accepting of diversity, races, genders and other cultures because everybody was born this way!”

Also liberals:

What does this even mean??


You don’t think reducing all major faiths and spiritual beliefs to “sky daddy” is a fallacy?

Lol no. The supernatural is literally all the same. A ghost is a ghost and none of them are real.

It was said that a wise man knows that he truly knows nothing, but luckily we have people like you to so confidently explain the nature of everything to us.

There is no all powerful, all knowing, all loving god out there, children being bombed to death should be proof of that. Either that god doesn't know it's happening, doesn't have the power to stop it, or doesn't care to stop it, but the god described in the Bible, the Old Testament, and the Quran does not exist.

The problem is, you can’t prove it one way or another.

You can't prove that there is no invisible flying spaghetti monster who created the world just yesterday to make it look like it's actually billions of years old. If we can just make things up and say "well you can't prove it one way or the other" then literally anything is up for grabs.

But let's play along for a moment. Does "God" just not know about the bombings, can't do anything about the bombings, or doesn't care about the bombings?

It means, some people like to believe they’re “the good guys” while practising their own brand of bigotry when it suits them.

You need to be more clear. I don't know what the fuck youre taking about.

Are you trying to make some weird connection between LiBeRaLs and the fact that several people in this thread are dunking on organized religion?? Because if you are, that has nothing to do with politics. That's religion. And they are very separate entities, even if there's a fuckton of conservative religious weirdos trying to push their agendas. But you can adhere to any political affiliation and still recognize that believing in magic is primitive.

I don't think you're cut out for abstract thought. Or maybe thinking in general. Don't feel bad though. Not everyone is well equipped for thinking.