Restaurant Bill

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to Mildly – 799 points –

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18% service charge and then still ask for tips? Fuck all of this, this is a scam and refuse to pay this shit.

Based on the bottom of the receipt i would have said to the server something like "great, it says right here no need to tip"

What a lovely way to ensure that your customers will never return.

How about just raising prices since it is a cost of running the business.

Exactly, it's a linear extra cost so just bump all the prices that much.

But if you tell the customer how much things cost they won't buy as much.

It's just layer upon layer of dishonesty. The only time businesses get honest is when the government forces them to.

In a vacuum that would be fine. But in the current culture that likely wouldn’t overcome the tipping standard/culture and may just drive customers away thinking the prices are too high. Unless you have a huge blatant no tipping sign all over the place.

This isn’t too indigestible as it stands provided the wait staff understand they are likely to only get a tip for excellent service.

But to do this on top of an 11 dollar cannoli. That’s a bit different too. I hope it was like a dozen cannolis.

This is probably a hotel or resort. $4 cookie and $6 oj are the giveaways .

$11 cannoli etc.