I've been wondering for some time

no banana @lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1634 points –

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It sounds like we need to crowdfund the creation of a Private Military Company. We'll need a good name for it.

Why not crowd fund your own lobbyist and think tank. Do what the rich do.

Think tanks create a strategy. They suggest/create bills in your interest. They tell you what politicians to target. Think tanks are filled with statistician and lawyers who build portfolios for how to accomplish what you want. Its polls and research and statistics that show why your goal is good.

Hand the package to lobbyist who target those politician and start pushing change the way it is supposed to occur. Keep your issue in front of the politician. Show them through your research that if they pass and fight for (x) that they will stay in power or gain popularity and it will benefit the country.

Or call them Nazis and throw food at works of art. Not sure the best route.

Its crazy to me people think they can more easily convince people to burn their work days up protesting in streets than just donating $50 to the fight

Where do we donate that $50 right now?

I think that's part of the problem too. No one knows an effective method to follow through with, or if they do find one it's more often than not, not the same one "I" chose.

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That's how you actually get assassinated.

Ok ok ok so then let's put it on the blockchain. Nobody in charge, "assassination politics".

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