Rent prices are so high that Gen Z can't afford to live alone anymore to – 561 points –

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Are we pretending that millennials are affording apartments alone? Cause I know very few doing that. Moving back in with your parents, though, that shit's common.

I was gonna say, most of Gen X has had roommates since we graduated college.

The headlines just keep repeating. Insert newest generation and print

It's getting measurably worse at a fairly predictable clip - boomers had it easy, x/y less so, it's dark for milennials, and impossible for zoomers/alpha.

The guardrails were removed and wheels set in motion by the boomers so they could more effectively ransack the economy - everything since then has been a consolidation of wealth and power at the direct expense of workers.

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It is actually worse each time, though. In previous times, it was "oh lordy, prices are going up, shucky darn, guess I will only have 2 pieces of avocado toast each day from now on". Now people just can't even get by.

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I'm in the Midwest. Most millennials I know are living on their own or with their partner. However, the younger millennials and gen Z I know? Very few I know aren't living with parents.

I'm an older millennial and my brother is younger. Our parents are old enough we each have a parent living with us.

I'm in Seattle, most of my friends have roommates or moved back in with their parents (which I did in 2020 when I lost my last job). I am making slightly more than my last job now with a second degree but after inflation I'm making quite a bit less and rent has gone up significantly since then. So I still can't afford my own place.

Older Millenials are more like younger Gen X, while younger Millenials are more like older Gen Z.

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