92% of the reason why it sucks to be brazilian

I Cast Fist@programming.dev to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 402 points –

Yes, you're looking at ~92% tax right there. Final price jumped from ~113 dollars (584BRL) to ~220 dollars.

EDIT: A bit of clarification, when buying from abroad there's a flat 60% federal tax if the thing + shipping price surpasses 50 dollars. Then there's a state tax that can vary between 17-25%, which goes on top of the total taxed value. Part of the tax is literally "tax of a tax"


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Tell them to mark it as a gift, works around here 🤷.

Doesn't work in Brazil. Gifts cannot be sent from a business to a person, and even then there's a 50 USD limit.

You tell him to send it as a person 🤷.

What I've found out over the years is that Chinese will agree to almost anything to make a sale 😂.

And you can always claim engineering samples if it's a gift from a company 😉.

i'm afraid they make no such exceptions here.

and its being taxed directly at the platform, so no chance of asking them to claim a lower price like we used to do before. we have to find another way.

Tell them to write it off as engineering samples 🤷. That's the only thing that comes to mind...

Maybe if you write what tax deductions you have on import, I might have better ideas 😉.

Have you tried this trick before?

Customs officers hate him because of this one weird trick!

They do, they really do 😂. There is this one gal, Melanie, she calls me personally to ask me "how long do you plan on doing this 😒... eventually you're gonna get caught 😒" 🤣🤣🤣. I just say "I have no idea what you're talking about, I just have a lot of relatives in wherever" 🤣🤣🤣.

Yep, works on the Balkans 👍.

They can't charge you for anything, since they'd have to check if it's really a gift or not, and they'd rather sit on their asses than do that 😂.

This used to work in Europe for a very long time, only recently they clamped down on it and asked to declare the value on gifts too

My Pine64 order wasn't marked as a gift, and it turned up at my door completely untaxed 😳

Hows the pinephone working for you?

Ohhh it wasn't a Pinephone I ordered, it was a Pinecil v2 and a bunch of accessories and stuff for it. Sorry I should have been clearer lol.

The pinecil is absolutely amazing so far, however the included stock tip is pretty rubbish, doesn't distribute heat too well. The optional extra ones are much better. The whole thing is deceptively small, I thought it was going to be much larger!

Nah you are good, it was me that assumed. I'm glad to hear it is amazing! I've been wanted to get a pinecil too. Good to know the optional tips are worth it!