Dear Reddit, to – 986 points –

You are viewing a single comment they got rid of awards in favor of adding arrow shaped awards?

“Supports the creators” makes me think they have a revenue split and they got rid of the old system to prevent people from not knowing the difference

Yeah this also conveniently happens after they made everyone's Reddit Gold invalid. Pretty damn shady if you ask me.

Need influencers if they are going to IPO

Don’t want to lose money by having to split something people bought a year ago

"supports the creators?" like the person who created the comment gets paid? probably not. I've made zillions of witty upvoted comments and I haven't earned a dime. Where does that money go? Into spez's pockets.

Supposedly you can cash these golds out if you get 10 of them, at a rate of $1 per gold, as long as you live in the US. I figure that the left-most gild is equivalent to 1 gold, so Reddit is keeping roughly 70% of the money you pay through this system.

Oh great. More incentives for bots to run rampant and rehash old posts and comments...

The "levels" doesn't even make any sense, a splink of different color?

What a lol.

Yes, but do you see the last one!? It is colorful on the outside and golden on the INSIDE