ProtonMail and SimpleLogin emails will be blocked from registering on websites to – 551 points –
You are going to be blocked. Please take action immediately! · Issue #362 · ProtonMail/WebClients

This makes me 😭

UPDATE: Thanks for this update: The issue has now been commented on and was closed by the maintainer, where they explained why those blocks would be nonsense. But it appears the OP wants to still talk with maintainer privately about it.


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the discussion is happening here:

Someone working at Proton has commented on the issue, the list maintainer wanted to take the discussion with proton private so we have only a few posts from them.

If you want my personal take:

It's very clear how the list maintainer opposes anonymity in the internet in any form, which I see as an attack on freedom, journalism and activism.

I'm not a fan of Protonmail of any sort and in fact I consider that their privacy is lacking... but I really hope they can talk some sense into this guy. This block list seems to be used by a lot of webs that will start blocking virtually every private email provider.

(Edit: I assumed the person that posted the email list was a maintainer, but they don't seem to have a "contributor" or "owner" badge, so idk. Maybe they are just very angry at privacy and anonymity on the internet)

These lists are used by platforms to try and cut down on spam/bot account signups. This isn't a thing done for signups by the vast majority of platforms out there, but the API verification steps IS becoming more prevalent I suppose. I just got rejected for using a Protonmail domain to buy something outright on a very popular pet supplies platform the other day,

They’ll just lose my business and get a stern customer support email then. I don’t do business with companies that exclude Proton/Tutanota/Skiff emails.

It’s very clear how the list maintainer opposes anonymity in the internet in any form,

why would anyone ever be like this?

Maybe a fed, corpo or authoritarian

I was thinking the same. Would be mighty convenient for them if people had to switch to sellout mail providers because the alternatives are all blocked.

This is not the list maintainer. Just a rando who opened a request

Someone working at Proton has commented on the issue, the list maintainer wanted to take the discussion with proton private so we have only a few posts from them.

They're not the maintainer.

I say that in my comment

Edit: I assumed the person that posted the email list was a maintainer, but they don't seem to have a "contributor" or "owner" badge

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