Jeff Bezos-Backed Real Estate Company Is Launching A New Fund To Acquire More Single-Family Homes Across The U.S. to – 919 points –
Jeff Bezos-Backed Real Estate Company Is Launching A New Fund To Acquire More Single-Family Homes Across The U.S.

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Bezos isn't going to miss a chance to dick people over. Because apparently he's not rich enough yet.

Imagine what the world would be like if we treated sociopathy as the vividly destructive mental illness it so obviously is, rather than rewarding sociopaths with wealth and power.

What is his goal? More zeroes on a spreadsheet? Does he take satisfaction in being evil?

It's likely the same as corporations.

Once they get so much money, they focus on quarterly profits. Then you compare percentage change from last quarter/month.

So he just doesn't think about the billions he has banked.

Or the multimillions he makes a year

It's a small percentage of change, and making 90 million after 100 million can be viewed as losing money this way, which makes these fucking psychopaths believe they need to be even shittier to make more money.

He's not looking at his wealth, but at the rate he's accumulating it, even though he literally can't spend what he has now if he tried.

I could spend it on creating positive change in the world, but nah; better for the corporations to have it I’m sure.

This is more likely the case. I’m in operations management and it’s truly a game for us. Addicting like sports.

Another thing with corporations (afaik) is that they’re obligated to make more money quarter over quarter because of shareholders. Big number must go up at all costs.

Having the most wealth which leads to the most power is clearly his goal.

I would assume it's just a compulsion.

Like a compulsive gambler constantly looking for the next thing to bet on, or a compulsive eater looking for the next thing to eat, he's constantly looking for the next way to dick people over for profit.

I can understand a dick measuring contest of racing to commercial space travel. But rentals? That's just for money and just for evil.

The richer he gets, the more it affirms his egotistical belief that he deserves it.

There's many people that think the more money they make, the more social good it does. That making money is by definition good for everyone, society, etc.

This is a fund for small investors to make money on the housing market, so probably not either of the above

This is a good business idea that just happens to only function because one of our systems is totally broken. The business itself is not the problem.