Seen on reddit: Ran out of advertisers. Why? Yes. to – 1870 points –

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Am I wrong in thinking this is sad as hell? Like seeing an old faded billboard with the same "your ad here!" text that's been there for ages.

Sad, but I ain't mad. This is the bed that "Elon" made for Reddit

Great Value Elon!

Elon: 4 letters

Spez: 4 letters



Almost definitely but still I love how comparing someone to Elon has become an insult so I'm having a good time anyway :3

It's really sad for me to see a social media platform like reddit crumble. I spent years there.

I spent more time at Reddit then I did in the K-12 education system. I have a lot of good memories and learned a lot from both, but I have no desire to return to either.

I worked there once upon a time. This whole thing has felt like seeing an old friend succumb to addiction and wind up derelict.

I will never feel sorry for advertisers or the people who work with them.


It's sad, but hard to feel bad for doing it to himself.

It's like meeting your ex who has now become a homeless meth-addict.

That's exactly what I said elsewhere in the thread. This is billboard company behavior.