The CEO of PROTON answers YOUR questions! Drive, Linux support, Photos, features, and a lot more! to – 311 points –
The CEO of PROTON answers YOUR questions! Drive, Linux support, Photos, features, and a lot more!

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Enjoy pop-up ads trying to sell you a subscription when you just want to view your inbox! The one bad thing about their service.

I pay for the subscription and if I didn't I do not mind free services asking for money. If you are giving me a free service and not data mining me then you have every right to nag me.

Gmail litterally puts ads in your inbox that look like emails so I doubt any service is gonna be worse than that.

Yeah, GMail literally pisses me off for that exact reason.

Yeah if you don't pay its fine, but if you have mail plus, they will have pop ups advertising premium. Once you get premium? They start advertising family!

I have premium and I have received emails regarding the family plan, not popups. And honestly I want those emails because the family is a fantastic value proposition. Too bad you only get 3 custom domains to share with 5 other people, that is really not enough :/

If they ever change it to at least a domain per person I want them to email me about it.

Emails, opt-in are fine yeah. I don't mind the little Special offer button at the top either, it's just the pop-up when I'm just trying to check my mails that is really intrusive.

I have the paid version and have never seen a popup advertising upgrades.

They mentioned that they bought premium, so they won't be seeing ads. Edit: Multiple people below are telling me that purchasing premium does not remove all ads, so that's actually quite annoying.

As an aside, I really don't get the logic of using a service like e-mail and just expecting it to be free - it's very bizarre to me.

If it's something important to you (as I assume e-mail is), pay for it - or stop whining about ads/nagging pop-ups.

And if you can't pay for it, download Dovecot and try doing it yourself - it's a fun experience, and will make you appreciate the work done by email providers. Spoiler alert: it's a massive pain in the butt.

You get premium ads if you are on a plus subscription or a free account. Once you get premium though, then they start advertising the family pack to you!

Hmm, guess I was wrong, then - that would be very annoying; especially if you're getting pop-ups for a family plan you won't ever be able to make use of as you're a solo user.

They still put unremovable ads in your inbox when you buy premium. They're fairly subtle but still incredibly frustrating.

In case you didn't know, you can turn off promotional emails in Settings -> Dashboard -> Email Subscriptions or by adding a mail filter to push them all into an advertisement folder, and the other ads can be mitigated by hitting "don't show this offer again" on each one

I didn't know that. But that's sort of the problem. As a paying user, I shouldn't have to go searching through my settings to disable it. They do the same shit with user signatures.

My problem is that I only need to use the VPN, but I get pop ups all the time asking if I want to subscribe to their all in one plan or buy their black Friday deal. When all I want to do is connect to the VPN.

So yes, even when you subscribe you still get pop ups (and in their apps too so you can’t even use ublock origin to block them).

Ah, you're right - that is very annoying.

really? "Very" annoying? :D I see the ads as well but I only see ads for the higher tear and not really often. I wouldn't call it "very" annoying

Sorry, I don't use proton mail. It sounds annoying, but please understand that I am not talking from the perspective of a person who uses the service and is directly affected by them.

If you just use the VPN consider moving to Mullvad! I really loved their service but ended up moving to Proton because I use all their services.

I was on Mullvad before but moved to proton when Mullvad stopped offering port forwarding :/

They did what?

Mullvad was working incredibly well with port forwarding. Thatbwas their selling point compared to proton. Wow 😅

Yeah they ended forwarded ports on 2023-07-01. I was pretty sad when they did so and I had to move because I loved what they were doing and was extremely happy with my subscription.

Doesn't sound too good tbo. Let's hope ipfs becomes more useable/accessible over the next years

Can confirm. If/when something happens to the VPS I'm hosting mine, I'll be moving to a fully managed solution. Probably cheaper, too.

Gmail has far worse ads that crawl your inbox. A free service asking me to pay for hosting isn't the end of the world

And the sewer is filled with literal shit, it doesn't make a complaint over a pop-up ad on a paid tier any less valid. Get ya whataboutism out of here!

Can it be blocked with uBlock Origin (on the web view)?