"If you tell a lie big enough and tell it frequently enough, people will eventually come to believe it". What is an example of this happening today?

Melatonin@lemmy.dbzer0.com to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 365 points –

I would really rather that these were actual examples, and not conspiracy theories. We all have our own unsubstantiated ideas about what shadowy no-gooders are doing, but I'd rather hear about things that are actually happening.


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"Once all the boomers are dead everything will be better!" Yeah, corporations will still rule your life, inflation will still outstrip income, you won't be able to afford a house, and your politicians will represent whichever special interest pays them the most. Also you won't ever be able to vote in progressive candidates because every year there's going to be some vile ghoul like Donald Trump, but somehow worse, and the Democrats just need you to close ranks and vote in whatever corporate liberal whose turn it is to sit in the Big House this time so a literal fascist doesn't get his finger on the button and attempts to dismantle what little democracy our republic has over night.

Grandma and grandpa being six feet under doesn't change these things. And, guess what...you probably won't change them either because you're too lazy and apathetic to do anything other than shitpost on the internet about how badly your life sucks.

Future generations will blame you for everything also.

If you're a millennial, some already are.

Love how everybody forgot Gen X existed and skipped over them to hating millennials.

Love how everybody forgot Gen X existed

We're used to that.

The boomers being dead means the largest, wealthiest support of old ass laws is gonna, and nearly every single member of the population at that point would have been directly harmed by capitalism.

Trying to stop people from improving things will by far be much harder, and betting on peoples apathy is a gamble that can only last so long

(Unless we get some full my mind control shit in the best future, but we can pray not)

nearly every single member of the population at that point would have been directly harmed by capitalism.

As opposed to the boomers, who weren't harmed by capitalism. Not like that's the generation that was sent to Vietnam or anything...

And at least here in Finland, the under 25s are actually more conservative than millennials or even Gen X, which is highly alarming. They voted for an extremist right wing party in droves in our latest parliamentary election, something like 30% I think

In America, it's starting to shift that way as well. Gen Z is the first nominally sex-negative generation in, well...generations. They're very inclusive and will say things like "sex work is real work." But then they also seem to hate nudity in film and television. So it seems they're fine with sex as long as it just...doesn't involve them in any capacity. I think I heard a streamer one time say they were "puritan-pilled."

But then they also seem to hate nudity in film and television. So it seems they're fine with sex as long as it just...doesn't involve them in any capacity.

I've noticed as a pattern that it tends to be nudity/sex in media that might appeal to a straight male in particular that they tend to have the most problem with. Probably because the "puritan" wire gets crossed with the "pro-LGBTQ+" wire or the "appeal to women" wire.

Our far right is great at TikTok, and their algorithm seems to favor far right talking points greatly.

Also, we'll have plenty of formerly-young people who age into being similar to what the boomers are now