Baldur's Gate 3 has won Steam's 2023 GOTY Award to – 204 points –
The Steam Awards

Game of the Year Award - Baldur's Gate 3

VR Game of the Year Award - Labyrinthine

Labor of Love Award - Red Dead Redemption 2

Best Game on Steam Deck Award - Hogwarts Legacy

Better With Friends Award - Lethal Company

Outstanding Visual Style Award - Atomic Heart

Most Innovative Gameplay Award - Starfield

Best Game You Suck At Award - SIFU

Best Soundtrack Award - The Last of Us Part I

Outstanding Story-Rich Game Award - Baldur's Gate 3

Sit Back and Relax Award - Dave the Diver


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Sorry, but wtf was as innovative as to warrant a GOTY in Starfield?

EDIT: no a hater, 90hrs played, overall would not recommend and genuinely don’t see what was innovative.

This exactly made me chuckle. What on Earth is innovative on Starfield's gameplay?

I think it's innovative in the fact they made it a menu/load screen adventure game... and people still bought it.

And to think nobody called EVE Online innovative during its release for being a "spreadsheet simulator". Truly, we live in an age.

I made the same comment when I saw it was nominated. It’s Fallout 4 in space with both free base building (outposts) and grid base building (ships). The procedural generation of locations is reminiscent of Arena. The class system is a simpler version of Skyrim and Fallout 4. The story is cliche science fiction using mechanics from earlier Bethesda titles. The dogfights are decades old. The drudgery of running around forever for a simple objective hails back to earlier titles like Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey and similar Ubisoft map objectives.

I have no idea what Starfield innovated. It’s just like every other Bethesda game with some new things done better elsewhere. I am in the minority that love it because it is exactly what you would expect from the studio that’s been rereleasing the same game for over a decade.

The innovation is... Bethesda not re-releasing Skyrim again... kinda

I was flabbergasted by this. It's literally veered headlong into "Mostly Negative" reviews. Even the overall reviews are "Mixed."

I kind of feel like Valve just shoved some of these games in award spaces because they couldn't give Baldur's Gate III every award.

Source: I voted for BG3 for nearly every award.

its a new bethesda IP. Thats literally all it has going for it. Considering their last IP was made last millenium, i guess that kind of counts as innovative? For them?

Todd Howard has been talking about how many big games he's got left in his career. He should beg Michael Kirkbride to come back and stick to what they're good at.