Weather app asking for permission to manage calls to Lemmy – 1374 points –

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At least you've got a calculator app, ipads have never had one. Kind of ironic for a device that has more processing power than 1970's supercomputers.

more processing power than 1970's supercomputers.

Doesn't every computer and computer-like device for the last couple decades or more? Or is that the joke?

Even SD cards and USB chargers have powerful microcontrollers in them nowadays

Isn't it better though? You can install it if you want.

It's just odd, anything ever made with a user interface since the 80's has had a calculator app. Apple just remove features and charge more for something that is inherently similar to everything else they've ever done.

Apple just remove features and charge more for something that is inherently similar to everything else they've ever done.

Ah, the joys of walled garden consumer electronics!

But it's so easy to use!

except for all these idiotic things apple doesn't allow you to do, but ignore that please

i remember as a kid when i temporarily had an iphone i thought something was broken because i couldn't access the files from my pc

Except there are tons of free calculator apps, so they aren't charging more in this case. Your criticism of Apple, in general, is warranted. Just not in this case.

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I'm all for choice or whatever, but a simple system-provided calculator should be benign and lightweight enough to be there and coexist with any competing calculator app without much drawback. Like a clock or web browser.

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You can use the search bar for quick calculations. That doesn’t escuses Apple from adding an calculator app on iPad! Most calculator apps have ads or are paid

Isn't app store full of calculator apps?

Mostly with ads. It’s easy to argue that a calculator is more fundamental to a functional tablet than a web browser is, and Apple includes one. By all means, there ought to be a market for calculator apps, but it’s pretty fundamental to cover the basics. Also, Apple already has a calculator on iPhone and iPad runs pretty much the same software, so where is it?

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