Your washing machine could be sending 3.7 GB of data a day — LG washing machine owner disconnected his device from Wi-Fi after noticing excessive outgoing daily data traffic

Lee to – 169 points –
Your washing machine could be sending 3.7 GB of data a day — LG washing machine owner disconnected his device from Wi-Fi after noticing excessive outgoing daily data traffic

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No it couldn’t. My washing machine cant connect to my network! I can’t think of a valid reason why I would even want that.

I tried it with our dish washer, just to see what it's about. Turns out it's all about nothing. It's absolutely void of any useful functionality.

I can think of a very valid reason. I very often forget that I ran the washing machine, I'm already investigating how to send a notification to my phone or computer after it is done. Right now I am checking how much electricity it consumes and when it stops doing it. But a API would be nicer.

Yeah, I don't get it. I guess I can see the appeal of some "Internet Of Things" connected appliances, like smart fridges suggesting recipes and keeping track of stock and auto-populating shopping lists for you. I don't need that personally, but I can see why it could appeal to some people.

But things like washing machines and dishwashers? You need to be there in person to fill them up just before they're ready to go on, and to empty them when they're done. And when they're not turned on, they're sat there doing nothing. What "smart" functions can they even offer?

What "smart" functions can they even offer?

Notification that the cycle is finished and checking how much is left.

But that's about it.

My washer has WiFi but I'm sure as hell not turning it on. It tells me how long the cycle will be a few minutes after it starts and I'll just set a timer on my phone - though most of the time I don't bother because I never have so many loads that time is important.

And also providing more programs and options without having to tack on a full-colour LCD or anything like that. Pretty much just a cost saving measure on the manufacturing.

Because it's advertised. That's why.

A remarkable (and actually concerning) percentage of people completely lack the critical thinking skills to question whether that's a good idea. The box says it has WiFi, WiFi is good, so I connect it to WiFi. Simple as that.