The Pentagon will install rooftop solar panels as Biden pushes clean energy in federal buildings to – 408 points –
The Pentagon will install rooftop solar panels as Biden pushes clean energy in federal buildings

The Defense Department will install solar panels on the Pentagon, part of the Biden administration's plan to promote clean energy and “reestablish the federal government as a sustainability leader.”

The Pentagon is one of 31 government sites that are receiving $104 million in Energy Department grants that are expected to double the amount of carbon-free electricity at federal facilities and create 27 megawatts of clean-energy capacity while leveraging more than $361 million in private investment, the Energy Department said.


The solar panels are among several improvements set for the Pentagon, which also will install a heat pump system and solar thermal panels to reduce reliance on natural gas and fuel oil combustion systems


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I'd take it. Just that little bit less oil we need. Stop trying to shit on everything.

Greenwashing is harmful because it tricks people into thinking there's been progress and we aren't on track for the collapse of civilization.

How is lessening your carbon footprint greenwashing?

1: this isn't materially lessening the the pentagons carbon footprint

2: the greenwashing (on you, here, now) is clearly working, hence the justificiation of premise

I saw this and thought: "Hey, that's a good first step, I wonder how long it is before they take another?" Not that the pentagon went green. Check your bias.

Taking steps that do nothing in lieu of steps that do something is the definition of greenwashing.

Your response:

“Hey, that’s a good first step, ..."

Demonstrates the effectiveness of the seeded story. Propaganda and marketing work.

Wow, do you not understand incremental progress? And I never said that they were green. You can acknowledge progress (however slight) without being a stooge. So, what's the amount of progress that it would take before you stop complaining about the small steps?

Oh I do understand the philosophy of incrementalism.

I understand the consequences and costs of failing to take bold action to do what is necessary to change the course of a situation.

Small steps have only taken us backwards, and it gets worse every cycle. Only bold steps and decisive actions have moved us towards a more perfect union.

Not understanding the cost of small steps forwards on a train that's hurtling in the wrong direction is meaningless. Its justification is to support the problem while being able to rinse your hands of the issue. The justification of smalls steps as progress while we're clearly regressing is the fundamental problem we face as a society, because time, space, and oppurtunity are limited, you will only get so many opportunities to take action. When we either decide to take small steps, or accept them out of others, we further the issue.

Incrementalism as a social philosophy is a failure, and is costing us our ability to survive on this planet, its costing us our ability to have a civil and just society.

You should get off the internet and return to the trees then.

Sorry, I'm too busy to return to the trees, too busy taking bold and decisive action.

I'll return to the trees some day, when my work is done.

The bold and decisive action of... complaining on the Internet. Well done, what the world ever do without your contribution.

This is purely propaganda meant to trick people into thinking the Pentagon is green.


Bruh you've been answered. No need to yell.

That wasn't an answer, it was a poorly voiced opinion.

Dude, this conversation is a great example of letting perfect being the enemy of good. Organization takes a step in the right direction, and wack jobs come out of the woodwork because it wasn't a complete change that would have taken decades to finish

Dude, this conversation is a great example of letting perfect being the enemy of good. Organization takes a step in the right direction, and wack jobs come out of the woodwork because it wasn’t a complete change that would have taken decades to finish

We've been 'accepting' the good in earnest now for around 50-60 years under the modern global political hegemony. How is that going? Has the world been improving? We get bold decisive action when it relates to things that make life worse for all peoples, and we get incrementalism when it comes to actions which would improve peoples lives. This is the true cost of incrementalism. Its why the world is fucked. No. Halfway solutions aren't good enough. In fact they are actually worse than no solution at all because the take the space and opportunity where a significant action can be made.

I hear what you are saying but it sounds like "Hey, we have a hole in this boat but instead of trying to stop most of the water from getting in, we're just gonna let it sink, swim to shore and build a new boat."

Have you ever had a hole in your boat?

Guess what. If you don't fully solve having a hole in your boat, you still have a hole in your boat.

You need to completely fix the fucking hole or you are well and truly fucked.

Taking the time to do a halfway repair instead of fully fixing the issue is how you end up at the bottom of the sea.

I choose that, because I know what it takes to stop water coming in a boat, and sometimes all you can do is limit the ingress to a manageable level until you can sail into harbour to get proper maintenance.

You're saying if you can't patch the hole properly at sea, let it sink.

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But don't the Titanic's deck chairs look so nice now that we've rearranged them?

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As much as I hate the military industrial complex, symbolic actions matter, and we need some form of military so as long as we have a military I hope it will utilize green energy when possible.

Symbolic actions with no substance are purely propaganda.

We don't need the largest military on Earth.

I agree.

But again, how is this greenwashing?

What do you think the propaganda is for? It's meant to trick people into thinking we're making progress so they don't panic.

the alternative is imminent collapse of civilization and no solar panels

the alternative is imminent collapse of civilization and no solar panels

This thinking, the entirety of its attitude. Its why fascism was able to take root in the US.

Its the other half of the mechanism in a ratchet effect that slow walks us into deterioration.

Only revolutionary action and upheaval can take us back.

I'm not going to fucking care if the Pentagon has solar panels while I'm fighting to the death over the last unopened can of beans in an abandoned Walmart.

Yeah, I get it. Not sure that stating the doomer case is any better than installing solar panels, though, is my point. It gets us the same outcome in the end.

If people actually realized how fucked we are they wouldn't settle for greenwashing. We could get organized and fight back.

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