Sideloading won't be enabled where I live to Mildly – 800 points –

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To be fair that's not limited to Apple. Any company will follow the law to the letter, and lobby to change the law in their favour.

Ok, but Android wouldn't have to allow sideloading by that logic, yet...

Android is not a company though, it's FOSS. Google could ban it on their branch I suppose.

True. I have a Samsung, which does do some shitty ass things like remove the option to turn off data access to apps, but even they allow "sideloading" (I don't even like that term -- it's just installing software in the normal way to me)

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Google does indeed use Google Play Services to gate-keep the Ecosystem while keeping Android technically FOSS. Still better than Apple in this case, but hey... would you rather be hanged or beheaded?

Not all Android apps use Play Services, do they?

No but many of them. Play Services gets more and more functions that used to be part of the Android operating system. Some very basic functionalities are assisted GPS or Push notifications.

So? Companies can and have removed features like that at the behest of some dickwad in power. Don't take anything for granted. We need to heavily regulate them. Or hell take games. Capcom is currently adding DRM to 12+year old games. Garbage like that should be forbidden by law instead of relying on shitstorms to get companies to comply.

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Despite not being forced by governments, no android phone uses a shitty proprietary charger port, nor have they ever. And last night I discovered side loading is possible on my fucking google TV device. Again, no laws require this, it's just called not being a fucking prick.

Not always. Consumers given choice they should go for the product that is best. That way companies have to make the best product. That's competition working.

Like when ps3 offered free online but xbox didn't. That killed the xbox market as everyone could choose a similar product that was cheaper.

Or when apple forced everyone to use their products people went to the Samsung because you could do what you want. That killed apple.

Or when some companies offered subscription model like Microsoft Office, everyone went to alternatives and that killed Microsoft Office.

Honestly I blame people. We had all the information and just laughed in the face of reason. We are choosing to spend more for a shittier product.

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