Sideloading won't be enabled where I live to Mildly – 799 points –

All other countries without sideloading mandates

We're as shitty as we're legally allowed to be
- Apple

Technology isn't to enable users to do what they want, but to let corporations do what they can get away with.

Speak for yourself; I use Free Software.

I finally made the plunge to Linux desktop for all work in 2016 and have not looked back (and occasional windows VM, extremely rare now.) Even Arch is now perfectly fine as a workstation which surprised me. Recommend EndeavourOS to streamline the install process but it's Arch underneath.

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I'm a Linux user since '94, the 1st Android phone I got (company phone) was rooted, the 1st one I bough ran Cyanogenmod and I even developed Cyanogenmod for my 2nd tablet. (1st was crap) yep, free software user. (and kind of developer)

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To be fair that's not limited to Apple. Any company will follow the law to the letter, and lobby to change the law in their favour.

Ok, but Android wouldn't have to allow sideloading by that logic, yet...

Android is not a company though, it's FOSS. Google could ban it on their branch I suppose.

True. I have a Samsung, which does do some shitty ass things like remove the option to turn off data access to apps, but even they allow "sideloading" (I don't even like that term -- it's just installing software in the normal way to me)

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Google does indeed use Google Play Services to gate-keep the Ecosystem while keeping Android technically FOSS. Still better than Apple in this case, but hey... would you rather be hanged or beheaded?

Not all Android apps use Play Services, do they?

No but many of them. Play Services gets more and more functions that used to be part of the Android operating system. Some very basic functionalities are assisted GPS or Push notifications.

So? Companies can and have removed features like that at the behest of some dickwad in power. Don't take anything for granted. We need to heavily regulate them. Or hell take games. Capcom is currently adding DRM to 12+year old games. Garbage like that should be forbidden by law instead of relying on shitstorms to get companies to comply.

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Despite not being forced by governments, no android phone uses a shitty proprietary charger port, nor have they ever. And last night I discovered side loading is possible on my fucking google TV device. Again, no laws require this, it's just called not being a fucking prick.

Not always. Consumers given choice they should go for the product that is best. That way companies have to make the best product. That's competition working.

Like when ps3 offered free online but xbox didn't. That killed the xbox market as everyone could choose a similar product that was cheaper.

Or when apple forced everyone to use their products people went to the Samsung because you could do what you want. That killed apple.

Or when some companies offered subscription model like Microsoft Office, everyone went to alternatives and that killed Microsoft Office.

Honestly I blame people. We had all the information and just laughed in the face of reason. We are choosing to spend more for a shittier product.

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I honestly don't get why people use apple. People have explained it to me and I think I just don't get the reasoning.

People would tell me on the age of illegally downloaded or someone legally bought mp3s apple was better because you can't play your mp3s you have to buy them again off apple. Or that apple is better because you can't use something and instead have to use apples device which isn't as good and more expensive but it's white! Like I can't get a fucking white one.

The walled garden is shit. Apple makes me angry.

i have used an iphone once in my life when i was a kid, and my only memory of it is thinking something was broken because i couldn't open the filesystem on my PC

People would tell me on the age of illegally downloaded or someone legally bought mp3s apple was better because you can't play your mp3s you have to buy them again off apple

Idk why people told you that but it's never been true. iPods didn't give a shit where the mp3 came from, only that it was loaded via iTunes.

I dunno maybe my friends were too stupid to manage it.

But I got told you couldn't get it on there and you couldn't get it off their.

I didn't see the point. Didn't seem like owning it, seemed like apple owned it.

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Shouldnt have exited from the EU ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Wasn't my choice. I was 10.

One thing I've learned living in a conservative state in the US is that everything is my fault by proxy

I should just be rich enough to move, how hard can it be

I really wish this was a joke but it fucking isnt.

"We should just build a wall around your state and force it to secede. All the LGBT+ and POC should relocate immediately because it's not safe to live there."

"What about all the people who can't afford to move? What about all the people living on tribal land?"

"Oh, them? Hmmm. They should move, too. Again."

The fact is, right-wing extremism shouldn't be tolerated anywhere. Putting all the fascists "on an island" doesn't fix anything because there will always be children and other people who never asked to be there, yet have to suffer.

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Huh. Welcome to "you should have been rich adult" club. I'm not alone in such shit.

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Oh my God that was 8 years ago what the fuck

Time to start the rejoin in only another 10 years or so I think. We'll be voting on single market membership again before the decade is out I think.

It's incredible how that decision fucked the country for decades. One of the best examples why "direct democracy" does not guarantee good decisions just because it was the people's choice.

It wasn't direct democracy though.

No member of the public ever voted on the legislation.

If the legislation has been put to the public and the referendum bound it to law I think it would have gone differently.

The vote relied people voting for their own version of Brexit vs. the status quo.

I'm not a fan of direct democracy by any means but Brexit isn't an example of it.

Ah, okay, so the referendum was just more like a consultation whether brexit should happen, but the badly done legislation came afterwards (which people probably wouldn't have voted for)?


People were simultaneously told different things by different people on what would happen of the country voted leave. A lot of it obviously false even at the time.

People might have known what they were voting for. But what they were voting for had no basis on what the government would actually do.

Then we had the prime minister who held the referendum resign.

A new prime minister is chosen in a private election amongst members of the conservative party (about 100,000 votes will do it normally but no one actually runs against them). This becomes a theme.

There is legislation passed which essentially puts a clock on the process. If nothing passes we'd just revoke laws and break treaties.

This was meant to scare the EU into giving us what we wanted. The EU was not overly concerned.

The government put some very shoddy legislation together. We got a pretty poor deal from the EU, well we were pretty desperate.

The government couldn't pass that legislation

We had an election for a new government

The government lost seats and lost their majority

The government then joined with a religious extremist party in Northern Ireland to give them a majority.

The shoddy legislation becomes not only shoddy but also more extreme, It still can't pass.

The prime minister is ousted by their own party.

We get a new prime minister.

They still haven't decided on the legislation but they tell everyone what they want to hear.

We have an election

The government gets a big working majority

The shoddy extreme legislation, which we now know from first hand accounts the prime minister didn't understand, still can't pass.

The government literally breaks the law and closes parliament illegally to try and run the clock closer to the point where we take a bonfire to massive ammous of legislation.

The government are then forced back into the house by the courts

Eventually at the last moment a deal is passed. It's really bad for the UK economy, and the UK in general.

The UK leaves the EU. Northern Ireland doesn't. Well it sort of does.

COVID and Another 2 prime ministers later and Brexit deals are still being negotiated.

Essentially he EU has everything it needs. It's protected the interests of bordering nations like the Republic of Ireland and France. The UK has increased friction on trade, labour issues.

The current big issue is that France no longer helps us stop people crossing the channel. That was an EU agreement. So our government, now spends it's time and energy trying to deport people to Rwanda, breaking the entirely separate European Convention on Human Rights Churchill's government basically wrote and passed after the second world war.

It's worth noting that this government has had a vote share of 36.1% pre referendum in 2015 36.9% post referendum in 2017 42.4% post deadlock in 2019 (with the opposition getting 40%)

The conservative party got that lock in 2019 on 55% of the seats with 42.4% of the vote

Since then they've rotated people in and out of government to essentially do the bidding of the one who pays the most into their individual campaign funds against each other.

The government refuse to allow an election even while they're essentially changing constantly.

We haven't really got democracy in this country. We disenfranchise a lot of people through our electoral system by design. We concentrate power to a minority.

It's a mess.

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Okay, but it was only finalized in 2020. That's probably why it feels like it hasn't been that long.

"You haven't had a date since Brexit" was a funny burn I ehard once I remembered how long ago that was.

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I meant this comment more in regards to your lovely voting peers in the country you have to reside in.

Wish you best of luck rejoining the EU!

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brexit went great huh?

The people who voted Brexit weren't concerned about their ability to side load apps

the people who voted brexit werent concerned about a lot considering the post vote google searches for "what is brexit"

Following the last few years the list of topics they were concerned with is growing very slim.

Well they were basically only ever really concerned about two things (immigration and muh sovereignty), they didn't give a shit about anything else, they'd even say it would be worth the UK going backwards for decades to get out of the EU.

They are well on their way to becoming the 51st State!


Canada and UK act all haughty about being superior to the US but we have MAGA here and the UK has similar, and there is a reason they are called TERF island.

the UK has similar

Our idiots are idiots - they aren't insane idiots. MAGAts can only happen in a country without universal mental health care.

Have you tried accessing mental health care here recently? We have practice nurses prescribing SSRIs, not mental health care.

Nah, that's Australia. Australia and the US are closer allies than UK and the US.

I read that linguistically, Australian English is closer to American than British versions. Having never yet been there but occasionally having a Violet Crumble when available, I can believe it.

It's a mix of both. For basic things like elevator vs lift, Aussies will generally understand both words and use them interchangeably.

Historically there was a lot of British influence, but these days I feel like it's definitely getting closer to US English. A lot of media (movies, TV shows, YouTube creators, etc) in Australia is American, and a lot of American slang enters the vernacular that way.

It's becoming that way, but it's still definitely closer to British English.

We'll see once we sink their tea again!

Imagine buying a piece of hardware and actually owning it.

grapheneos, calyxos, lineageos, etc.

If these supported phones I actually wanted I'd consider it. Even better if they weren't a pain in the ass to install.

I recently installed GrapheneOS on a pixel 7 pro. Waaaay easier than lineageOS. As long as you have the drivers installed on your pc and opposable thumbs, it's a breeze.

Problem is that I bought a 5a and had the screen die just out of the extended warranty and they wouldn't help me out. Giving money to Google is always a mistake, never again.

I never buy new phones, only used on ebay after Christmas

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That’s really nice to hear, lineage on a tablet a while back took quite a bit of work to get installed. Nevermind then having to get it able to load apps that needed Google.

Still a bit salty they gave almost no warning before retiring that image though, one month notice that they were getting rid of it was dissapointing to say the least

Yeah I know, just a matter of a few buttons.

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Still got to worry about firmware. We don't own shit.

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Imagine devices you can actually repair yourself. I looked into switching the battery on my phone the other day and in the process it seems I could very easily break my display if I am not SUPER careful. It's literally easier to swap the display than the battery.

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“Minimizes diminished App Store revenue”

I am an Apple user and in the end I’m more comfortable with them having access to my data than google.. but man, they don’t even bother to pretend it’s a pro-consumer issue thing anymore.

Been noticing that a lot lately, corporate weasel language is dying as these companies grow more and more emboldened.

It's pretty funny considering their main arguments have never mentioned the financial impact and always leaned on SeCuRitY, or some dumb shit the fanboys will regurgitate.

Like, Apple you lying little slut — we know you cuck for coins in everything you do.

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I'm getting real tired of corpo doublespeak. It's everywhere right now and I feel like people are finally getting wise to it. I don't want to hear whatever made up by committee garbage you came up with. Give us an answer.

It's a matter of time. Other countries just need a copy paste law. Apple knows this. But right now it's worth it to keep 2 systems around.

Anything Google is optional on Android, especially since the EU's DMA which now mandates the service accounts to be decoupled (or to make coupling optional, to be more precise).

Both Google and Apple sell your data to the same companies. It's kinda the point of them having 'an ecosystem' (monopolized ofc).

All "privacy" efforts they made with their OSs were exclusively so third party apps can collect less data from you and have to buy data from Google/Apple.

Proof that Apple sell your data?

I am gonna guess they have their own ad setup. So they collect the data, setup profiles and whatnot. Then an advertiser can come and pay to use their system for targeted ads. Now does that count as "selling your data"? Not technically I guess. Google does exactly the same thing tho, right? I fail to see how they differ in any way. I suppose you can HOPE that apple cares about its reputation enough to handle your data carefully, but that is about it. Hopes and prayers.

The op I replied to? Apples quarterly revenue statements? Their terms you agree to? Explicit 'Apple privacy policy' on the subject?

Both Apple and Google restrict third party app privacy not for your protection/increased privacy but to monopolize data collection. Eg Facebook vs Meta was a few years ago a fairly public fight.

But on both OSs you don't really have the option to restrict data collection from their services (on some Androids you can't even disable Google services, much less uninstall them). And Google also pays several billions per quarter to Apple to be the default search data collection engine.

It is true tho that companies differ a lot so the data collection is different too (the biggest difference is that Apple doesn't have that much need for user data since it isn't really in personalized ad business).

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You should never sideload. Cranes are not designed to be loaded that way and the crane or the load could move unexpectedly.

Always lift vertically.

LoL wth? You're misunderstood the post.

When you reloading a gun, always turn the firearm sideways to have a better view of the chamber, and thus increase precision and reduce time.

Wtf are you talking about dude? I think you completely misread those.

If your PS5 is standing upright, you can't load the disc sideways like you normally would because the drive won't be oriented the same way. Duh.

Not sure how that's going to help, but I'm willing to try.

Another Brexit Benefit

Fuck Nigel Frog face Farrage, The Haunted Victorian Pencil Jacob Rees-Mogg, Lord David Pig Fucker Cameron, Maybot, Boris I don't care where I stick my Johnson, and all the rest of the Tories who either actively supported this or were to self interested to not rebel as their leaders doubled down on their Brexit folly again and again.

As a mainland European I find Brexit absolutely hilarious. Even Labour is now like: "we didn't get the bad press, so we're fine with Brexit now".

Apple really fucking hates user freedom and choice.

apple gives you the patriotic freedom to defend a company taking away freedom

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Well, it's just capitalism, ain't it. The goal of the company is to generate as much revenue as possible. That is why we need to regulate the market and everyone who says else is probably a rich asshole who does not care about others.

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Time to get an Android, I guess.

Always has been

Just as long as you get one of the few models that are unlocked or offer a long lifetime of updates.

I ended up installing LineageOS and have been getting updates almost weekly ever since.

getting updates almost weekly

Quantitiy ≠ Quality.

I'd use it more as a gauge on how active this device is developed for.

That's the thing though, you can get devices from other manufacturers and you can get unlocked devices with Android. Those things aren't even options with Apple.

or offer a long lifetime of updates

In Samsung unpacked event Samsung announced that it will extend Android And Security updates to 7 years

I think OP meant phones which are popularly supported by custom roms-The only way we can get a lifetime of updates

Samsung still doesn't allow for unlocking the bootloader in the US, so after 7 years, the phone basically becomes ewaste due to lack of security updates. Repairability, I can't speak on, but they probably still glue their screen.

That's not even counting the fact that SoC vendors put these unmaintainable amount of patches on top of the Linux kernel instead of contributing to upstream Linux, so that their device can use a generic kernel. This leads to the use of ancient Linux versions on embedded devices with no room for upgrade without a third party porting mainline Linux.

"Smart" TVs/IoT devices have the same issue, but often times worse. You'd be lucky to get a new Android version on an Android TV, let alone a new kernel version, or the ability to run a custom OS, with documentation on how provided by the manufacturer, along with stock firmware.

There's also the problem of companies (mainly ones based in China) not releasing source code for the GPL-licensed software they use, such as the Linux kernel. Very common issue, especially with Mediatek products.

Apple is so locked down I fail to see what the appeal could be in the first place, there's very little customization, only one hardware manufacturer, and they're more guilty of anyone else in the market of planned obsolescence.

The ecosystem is the thing holding me here. Everything works so seamlessly and the products are very good (imo). I don’t have to worry that my watch and headphones might not work with another company’s phone, or at least not as good. If there are headphones and watches that would work as well, seamless and long as Apple’s, I’m open to suggestions. Apple might be behind with innovations, but when they implement something, it’s done right (usually)

Havent had any issues with my headphones conncectivity wise.

I turn them on, they boot and play music.
No connection drops or anything else.

Only pairing wasnt fully automagically.
I suppose if you'd buy 1st party brands, you'd get even that but that's only a one time thing anyway so whatever.

Tested with a Pixel 7 Pro and Jabra Elite 85h

The true magic is how seamless they immediately switch between phones and laptops. If I’m listening to a podcast on my phone but need to join a teams call or want to watch a video on my computer, I don’t even need to pause the podcast. The switch is immediate and automatic to the new audio source.

Also audio sharing with other people with AirPods works really well.

They typically last longer than non iPhones.

More importantly, I am a middle aged software developer who doesn’t want to customise his phone. I am happy to have a handset where I am limited. Gone are my days of geeking out and customising everything. I just want something that works for me.

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The time to get an Android instead of an iPhone was any time since 2008 when Android first became available.

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Enjoy your walled garden, you paid for it.

I got it for free. It used to be my Gran's.

I don't know how to interpret this comment

Gran is short for Grandma. Hope that helps clarify.

He got a hand-me-down iPhone because he's poor, and has decided it's better than no phone, but is sad it's still a walled garden despite other people being rescued.

Is there a joke I'm missing?

Yes I am, i bought to Apple fully know that it not allow side loading and happy with it. If I want side loading, I would switch to Android immediately and stop bitching about Apple. (Not that I said you bitching but alot of other people are doing it)


Imagine if steam only enabled refunds for australian customers and no one else, lmao.

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All other countries without sideloading mandates

Every 3rd world country that was already jail breaking and sideloading apps anyway:

So glad that Brexit brought the control back to our own hands!

This year EU will get sudden spike in tourism and immigration

To sideload iPhones apps? Lol

/E: I realised you probably meant pretending to be in those countries.. duh

Why pretending if can be there for real? Not that US minimum wage is not lower than average teacher salary in my country.

I was too retarded to realize this was a joke and was in the middle of replying seriously.

But yeah I just bought a one-way ticket to Athens.

What is side loading?

Something Android has had since version 1.0: the ability to install apps from places other than the App Store.

Ahh yeah i love that about Android. I never knew apple was so locked down, i should have known though

There are ways to sideload apps on iOS, but it's pain in the ass. From my memory (may not be 100% correct as of today):

  • many 3rd party apps not allowed in apps store are distributed in source code form. use xcode to compile the app yourself and load it to your phone. Works for a week, then you'll have to install it again. Oh, and you can only install three at a time.

  • there are 3rd party apps stores that sort of working by distributing their developer certificates along with the 3rd party apps (e.g. tweakboxapp, etc). You'll need to trust the developer certificates before you can install the apps. Oh, and apple frequently revoked their certificates so you'll going to play cat and mouse with apple.

  • use to install 3rd party app. The same 3 apps limit still apply, but this app automatically manage reinstallation for you, so it can reduce the pain of managing sideloaded apps just a bit.

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Loading your own software on a device independently of an app store, a.k.a. "the way general-purpose computers are supposed to work," a.k.a. "exercising your property rights."

On iPhone you can only install an app via AppStore. Side loading is the act of installing an app without the AppStore (with a different store, or by sending a file from your computer… it allows to install apps that Apple doesn’t want on their store for various reasons like a retro game emulator to play Super Nintendo on your phone.

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I still don't understand why people would want iOS if you plan to do off-brand stuff like sideload non apple appstore applications. You are just torturing yourself just so you can still have an iPhone.

I'm an app developer. My company makes an iOS version, and it's damn near impossible to deal with Apple's shit.

I don't want an iPhone, and it's a long story as to why I'm stuck with one.

I got time. Lay it on me.

So, I'm 17 and my Dad is an Apple fanboy. He started using Macs back in the '90s, and he's always been using their stuff. Over the years, he's managed to get my mum and her parents to ditch Android, and his parents to move on from their RAZRs. Now that everyone has iPhones, I have no hand-me-down routes. I have asked to get an Android, using my own money that I earned, but he always brings up the same arguments:

"Androids are inherently less secure than iPhones"

"We all use iPhones"

"Apple's proprietary ecosystem just works"

"I had an Android once. Once."

"Are you just trying to stop the Find My tracking? What if I need to find you?"

That last one could easily be misinterpreted. It's an emergency thing; he's not spying or anything. Don't worry.

I have an old Android in a drawer somewhere, but it's running 4.4, it isn't supported by any ROMs, and the battery barely lasts half an hour, so there's no point in trying to get it to work.

I'll also be going to university this year, so I should be able to get a cheap Pixel on eBay and flash GrapheneOS onto it soon enough.

I also fell into the Mac ecosystem back when OSX 10.1 & 10.2 came out. A reliable system that was actually innovative and looked nice! Runs on Unix, similar to the rock solid freeBSD I'd been in the process of exploring! Difficult to hack, fast, easy to program!

Then the changes started. Someone put a fresh out of the box Mac on the internet, "if you can hack this machine, it's yours!". I think they popped it in about 30 minutes.

You couldn't get into certain areas of the OS any longer, by design of apple.

Before you know it, you have a sports car of a computer or phone, but it won't go where you want it to. That's why I refuse to get in.

All to say: android has some pretty rough edges, but with graphene or my preference CalyxOS, you have hardware that's fast, as secure as you decide you want it to be (with the added inconvenience that can add) and for less than you'd pay for your parent's gilded cage. If you'd like, a good counterpoint to your dad's "security" claim is the fact that Android code is fully visible for all to see.

If you'd like to maintain quality video/voice calls that are also fully encrypted in an open-source manner between Android and Apple, I've got my family using Signal messenger. Just to avoid that irritating 'blue/green bubble' discussion.

Good luck to you in your future endeavours, you don't have to win every fight, you only have so much energy. But do talk and research the points that matter to you, including being free to use the hardware you paid for as you personally deem fit.

Androids are as secure as the user allows IMO.

If we all kill witches, can we bring back Salem witch trials? Just because everyone doesn't it, doesn't make a good reason, that makes you a lemming.

Apples proprietary ecosystem is designed around that. Android system works also works well with windows with their latest update.

Good for you. I had an iPhone once. It was like being outside with handcuffs.

Use Google maps location. This is what my family does to track each other.

Just thoughts on counters.

Thanks! The last one won't work, since it'll be all MicroG'ed, but those are still some great counterarguments.

There are arguments for both. At the end, the phone will make calls and text out. The rest is up to user interface and permissions. I just prefer the permissions of an android vs the restrictions of ios

Not the person you're answering, but my company bought me one as a benefit for personal use.

There's loads of people who prefer iPhone and would sideload if allowed but it's not a deal-breaker. I prefer iOS and Apple hardware but refuse to buy one without sideloading.

My S24 Ultra is arriving tomorrow, but I'll likely be buying the iPhone 16 if it comes with sideloading.

So Apple is gaining a customer, I've been eyeing the MacBooks too ever since the M1 came out so might end up pulling the trigger on one of those as well.

I got an iPad and those are pretty great. A lot of great (paid) apps that work extremely well on tablets. That's the benefit of having to develop for only so many devices, I guess. Now I don't use it much these days, but I am definitely gonna try out sideloading. It's probably gonna take some time to have anything to sideload tho.

Just move out of that place and you won't have that problem anymore.

I hear the EU next door is pretty cool.

lol this is an “article” written by ChatGPT full of fluff and speculation.

Aw, seriously? I'm getting worse at spotting that.

Before it was edified, there even used to be a part of the model response

I have expanded the article to over 4500 words, maintaining the same style, tone, and formatting per your request. Please let me know if you need any additional changes or have feedback...

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Don't cry over it. I live in Europe so I'll get it but the thing is that Apple will most likely force people into some kind of bullshit certificate that you've to buy in order to be able to sideload.

If you read the legal document about side-loading then Apple could be considered in compliance if they just decided to create a “sideloading program” where you can apply and pay for a special certificate with a vetting process and a lot of restrictions (being a company over a certain size etc). Essentially the same as the current Enterprise program but extended to allow 3rd party stores and distribution of App to random users not part of the same organization.

The legislation won't stop them from doing this and it will effetely only be used by large companies that can go through the vetting process and pay the ridiculous amounts of money that Apple will be asking for.

Why would you assume the legislation won't stop it, they have iteratively corrected legislation to mandate it's original intent plenty of times, most recently they've begun looking at cookies because the banner wasn't the intention of the lawmakers.

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Why is Canada also excluded from side-loading? 😭

english disease, maybe if y'all spoke more french this wouldn't be happening

Je parles en français la plupart du temps, cependant sur Lemmy c'est rarement en français.

Il va simplement falloir attendre que les lois du Canada ainsi que ceux du Québec rattrapent/suivent ceux de l'Union Européenne en ce qui concerne le «Side-loading» dans l'écosystème Apple.

C'est lent, mais ça arrivera ici éventuellement 😆.

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How are they handling this? Would a VPN get you around it or is it based on where the service subscription is based?

I imagine they are basing it on the country of your Apple ID or whatever, and validating it through the payment card attached to the account.

5 eyes spy network countries. No surprise there.

That's not the reason. The only reason is because they are not part of the EU.

Well we’re part of Eurovision and that’s basically the same thing.

You know, I'd not be surprised if some brexit votes were to leave Eurovision. :P

Could enabling a VPN spoof apple to think your in a based country?

It’s possible, but I wouldn’t put it past Apple to ignore the VPN when checking your location. I’d suspect they’d check using more than 1 approach (Internet, GPS, country on your Apple account, etc) to verify your location.

SIM, plane and simple your carrier location is your location.

Not every iOS device uses a SIM card, and not every SIM enabled device uses one. It's a potential way to verify location, but not a reliable one.

You are right I did not think that through.

They probably use your fucking GPS location to determine where you are for this. And that's more difficult than just using a VPN.

Hell the phone knows your carrier from the SIM in it. It's not like you can VPN your way outta that.

I use ProtonVPN 24/7, and it hasn't changed anything. It's a firmware thing, I think.

UK Apple ID on a phone registered on a UK mobile network. Of course a simple VPN won't fix.

Honestly it could be that developing and maintaining these region-locked differences in OS might be more expensive than saving every last penny from not allowing piracy (which is the real deal for this fuss).

Big majority of android users don't sideload either, most people are so technically illiterate they don't really grasp the idea of an App Store overall, it's just a place for them the get an Instagram button on a new device

The difference with Android is you're able to, it's just not enabled by default. This is Apple outright blocking sideloading.

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not allowing piracy

It's not piracy, it's about not having to pay Apple a cut just because you're selling to customers on their platform.

I doubt that. There's already a lot of other features out there that have to be region locked because of local laws. Could be medical related, car crash detection, etc. The cost of an engineer just reusing that same logic would be fairly minimal.

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There is absolutely no correlation between profitability and countries forbidding sideloading.

Correlation with successful lobbying efforts on our part? Maybe. ~ Apple 🍏

US and UK politicians are drinking the kool-aid.

For anyone looking to sideload on their iPhone without jailbreaking or paying for a dev account, look into Trollstore, if your IOS version is compatable, you can sideload unlimited apps thanks to the 2 coretrust bugs.

3 more...

The way I see it, the majority of Apple users are fine without side loading and won't even notice it's not there. This is typical Apple behavior so people that buy Apple products should know what they're getting into.

think the film Tron made a good while ago was about users having control versus systematic control over the users by the system admins

AppStore won't be enabled? Who needs it anyway, I can do ownloading.

I'm betting countries that do qualify will have a massive uptick in phones sold, but also a massive uptick in phones being smuggled out of the country.

I honestly doubt that. The average user doesn't care about this, they probably don't even know what "sideloading" means.

I'm also not gonna go out and buy an iPhone just because sideloading is an option now. Not saying no one will, it just won't be enough to matter.

Its not going to be hardware level lock but linked to Apple ID region. For some it will definitely be worth jumping through some hoops but I think 99% will bail at having to arrange payment method that confirms their EU residency.

If there is a way then I guarantee it will eventually come to everywhere else. One way or another.

And when they detect it in a non-allowed region, they'll brick your phone for your own safety.

better than a cyberhacker giving you a MALICIOUS app file that requires 2 warnings and a settings change to install.

(if its anything like android)

That shit so rarely happens, we've had more malicious apps infiltrating app stores because everyone trusts those.

true, but also bc a lot more people use the play store / app store

Sideloading should still be possible through something like the AltStore or 3uTools

I don't know how the situation works with apple devices, but wouldn't it be possible to import a model from a country with sideloading required?

I know it's more expensive, but it's something I'd do and have been thinking about with a different phone that ain't available in my country.

Possibly, but for the sake of sideloading I'd may as well just buy an Android.