Knowing what you know about Elon Musk, why are you still on X? to – 243 points –

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Because my city deems it is still a good idea to post important announcements about roadworks and water interruptions/boil advisory there exclusively :/

With the small carve out exception of people who are fine with the antisocial behavior and management style of the owner, Inertia is the only reason. Governments, influencers, corporations- they all have a following and an established channel which involves minimum expense to maintain.

I'd say that the vast majority of people on Twitter couldn't care less about Elon Musk himself. However, Twitter is actually going downhill now and the only ads I see anymore are either hardcore porn or scams. That's what's going to drive people off Twitter.

Ugh same here in the NL with WhatsApp. People act as if it's public infrastructure.

I wish my city works like this. But noooo our local government uses FACEBOOK. ONLY. Twitter is still the lesser of two evils

If only more cities could provide a simple RSS feed..

You don't need an account to see those posts, right?

These days, you functionally do.

You can only view a single tweet at a time when not logged in, which can be a struggle if youre trying to just see updates in general and aren't seeking a specific post.

I know because I have a friend who still sends me links to make them useful I have to put them in Nitter.

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To view a specific tweet you don't, but as soon as you want to see more tweets by that same account without a direct link you get to a login page.

Wonder if there's a proxy tool to view an account and feed fully.

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