Knowing what you know about Elon Musk, why are you still on X? to – 243 points –

Inb4 fifty comments all saying "I'm not on twitter/x."

Hey, I'm not either, but we aren't who this thread is for, please and thank you

Please upvote this so people see it and think before making a shitty throwaway comment that adds absolutely zero to discussion.

Edit: fucking called it

I like how those people didn’t appreciate you taking away their circlejerk opportunity, so just downvoted you instead 😂

I swear half of Lemmy is just people talking about how they don’t use Twitter or Reddit.

I feel like my comment is the only one that even attempts to answer the question.

Pretty predictable though. Lemmy is even less mainstream than Mastodon so I would expect most people here to be way outside mainstream social media's target audience.

One third Trekkies, one third talking about how shit twitter and Reddit are, one third content.

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This... Also, what a loaded and opinionated question. It implies that you shouldn't be on X because of Elon Musk, if OP was genuinely curious about why someone uses X, they could have asked a neutral question: "Are you using X? Why or why not?" or "If you are using X, why and how?". This currently just reflects the OP's opinion for validation I guess?

  1. Its 2024 and this isn't an unpopular opinion that OP holds

  2. Its AskLemmy, not a fucking serious news organization or something. Who cares if its loaded and opinionated? Validate OP's opinion away!

Similarly to Snot Flickerman, I also believe that this thread will be filled with comments about not being on twitter, as that seems to be a common demographic of lemmy.

And also similarly to Snot Flickerman, I'll make use of this opportunity to become the very thing I resent in this thread by mentioning that I'm also not on twitter.

Then why didn’t OP say “For those of you still on X/Twitter, “?

because it's clearly implied by the title and they said as much elsewhere in the comments

but don't let that get in the way of you being a pedantic ass

The way I read it was "of course you use Twitter, everyone does" as is the general assumption.

I mean, you’re the one who actually commented saying you’re not on it. Admittedly, you did say that it was a shitty comment right after making it.

Good job on taking my advice and keep staying pedantic!

Your advice isn’t directed at me, because I’m on Twitter. Look, I agree with you that those comments are shitty, but OP should know that if you ask shitty questions, you’ll get shitty answers.

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gay furry porn

Porn is the best and possibly only reason to stay on twitter. In fact I wish everyone who deleted their account goes and makes a porn following account until the app stores hands are forced to delisting it and even less advertisers pay for spots. Plus there's some good ass porn there. Or at least there was last I checked, admittedly it's been a while.

I wish I had something more significant to contribute, but... yeah. Mood.

The only reason I still use reddit is because of its huge NSFW communities.

That's one of the biggest reasons why I don't. I was angry I had to start logging in to visit those.

You can get around that by using old.reddit as you can click past the NSFW filter without signing in.

I had a throwaway account. I dont use Reddit for porn because it doesnt have as much content as twitter. Also the content it does have is pretty vanilla.

The furry porn community is still licking their wounds over losing Tumblr, and a lot of the big artists just don’t want to have to rebuild their community for the second time, so that’s where they are. I don’t like that I have to go to such a cesspool, but damnit, that’s where the furry porn is.

Darn it, all this time I thought I was on Lemmy!

Unfortunately Twitter/X is still the fastest way to find Japanese fan bases for almost everything. For example Baldur's Gate 3 just got its Japanese launch last month, and it's been fun to see their thoughts since they are not familiar with DND settings or CRPG all together. Many Japanese users I follow don't like what Musk's doing to Twitter as well, but they are also not sure about other platforms so it's kind of it is what it is situation now.

Can you summarize their reaction to BG3? You got me intrigued.

They basically weren't aware of the game before it got GotY and some even got sour that it won more awards than Zelda. (There was even a forum thread named something like "[sad news] a game that no Japanese has heard of has won GotY" which was quite hilarious.)
Then after the launch many players are surprised of how much freedom the game provides, and enjoy multiplayer sessions, classic big explosions, Talk with Animals, Scratchy the dog and Grease + fire combo, etc. There were some players that dropped the game with weird reasons tho, from "not anime enough" to "I thought this was an action RPG??" and even "I like RPGs but not TRPGs (??)" I'd say BG3 seems to be more like 50/50 in Japan because how its structure is different from JRPG's, but those who enjoy the game are really fond of it.

That's understandable, a lot of games that were really popular in Japan back in the day hardly got any play in the USA, definitely different vibes in the gaming communities.

“not anime enough”

That's kind of hilarious since 20 years ago, western gamers were rejecting games for being "too anime."

Very cool, though, and I'm glad a lot of folks over there are enjoying it!

That's kind of hilarious since 20 years ago, western gamers were rejecting games for being "too anime."

Today too! I'm still not really interested in the anime art style. I'm glad the enjoyers do have lots to choose from though.

I haven't been active on Twitter / X for years. My last proper tweet was in November 2022 when I asked people to follow me on Mastodon instead.

I still have my account though. Mostly because friends occasionally send me links to news tweets that X won't show me without being logged in. And because customer support for some service providers (especially DHL, GLS and some other logistics companies) suddenly gets a lot more helpful when you complain in public instead of calling them and they don't have Mastodon accounts.

For several reasons:

  • It's where people are. It's the whole fucking point of social networks! If the user base drops to a point where people are no longer there, I'll go to the next network.

  • If I were to boycott everything owned by a cunt, I'd probably live in a mud hut, naked in a park somewhere.

  • The self-gratification on here doesn't make me want to use Twitter any less.

  • For all it's faults, there isn't a legitimate competitor. Mastodon has no users and has a less intuitive interface than Twitter. BlueSky is...I couldn't even tell you what the fuck it is. Threads is basically a meme project by Zuck (another billionaire cunt) to toy with Musk, and it'll be dead within a year.

FWIW, I fucking hate Musk. I'm a software engineer, and one of the few big tech companies I wanted to work for was Twitter. Their branding was cool, they worked on cool tech problems, and I heard great things about their workplace culture back in around 2010-2012. Musk fucked up a company I liked.

I've long considered Musk to be a fraud, and to be honest Twitter is the least of his problems. He's clearly a very sick man that probably needs professional help above everything else.

If he were a normal person, someone would've cornered him and coerced him into medical detainment. If people thought I had a coke problem that affected my ability to conduct meetings and think clearly, I'd be out on my ass. Musk can get away with it because he owns his companies, and no one cares enough about him to help him. He's a dancing monkey that doesn't realise that people are laughing at him, not with him...

What cool tech problem has twitter worked on in the last decade?

How to build your infrastructure with so many redundancies that not even Elon could bring your site down when he randomly started unplugging shit at one of their data centers, perhaps?

That ones easy and zero percent a twitter thing. Multi AZ infra is incredibly common and industry standard

The infrastructure around sending small chunks of data around at that scale, at a time when people were sending larger files/messages around was interesting, enough so that even to this day "design twitter" is the canonical system design interview question.

They were also initially behind some cool things in the front-end space, like Bootstrap.

Thanks for the reply. Serious question… why has a Twitter/X equivalent not been developed with all of the brilliant-minded people out there, including those laid off by Twitter and other companies? Would it be more about marketing the app?

It has, but they don't have the users. I think that most social networks are a "right place, right time" phenomena. If Twitter or Instagram were to be released today, with all of its current features, it would probably be DOA.

BlueSky and Mastodon are solid, technically, but neither have cornered a part of the market that speaks to the average person. BlueSky is "we're Twitter, but with no users", and Mastodon solves a problem that few care about.

So it is marketing. Marketing can be accomplished. Money needs to go into marketing. $$$

Well, Meta has money, and Threads probably won't last more than a year or two.

True, but one thing different they did was tie it in to Instagram, more info gathering to the same FB/Meta company. Not a stand-alone product by a new company (fresh new thing).

Because my city deems it is still a good idea to post important announcements about roadworks and water interruptions/boil advisory there exclusively :/

With the small carve out exception of people who are fine with the antisocial behavior and management style of the owner, Inertia is the only reason. Governments, influencers, corporations- they all have a following and an established channel which involves minimum expense to maintain.

I'd say that the vast majority of people on Twitter couldn't care less about Elon Musk himself. However, Twitter is actually going downhill now and the only ads I see anymore are either hardcore porn or scams. That's what's going to drive people off Twitter.

Ugh same here in the NL with WhatsApp. People act as if it's public infrastructure.

I wish my city works like this. But noooo our local government uses FACEBOOK. ONLY. Twitter is still the lesser of two evils

If only more cities could provide a simple RSS feed..

You don't need an account to see those posts, right?

These days, you functionally do.

You can only view a single tweet at a time when not logged in, which can be a struggle if youre trying to just see updates in general and aren't seeking a specific post.

I know because I have a friend who still sends me links to make them useful I have to put them in Nitter.

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To view a specific tweet you don't, but as soon as you want to see more tweets by that same account without a direct link you get to a login page.

Wonder if there's a proxy tool to view an account and feed fully.

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Because they won't let me delete my account. It's been locked for like 3 years without any real reason. And I know people say that all the time but since 2017 I've made 4 posts, a dnd beyond giveaway and 3 gleam ones. Submitted request for deletion or unlock enough to loose track. When shit dick took over I figured itd be easier, what with all the horrible people gettin their accounts back an all, but still no.

what about posting offensive stuff? "Slide your democrate dick into my feces! Oh, I like the Musk y smell!"
I'll work!

It is full of content. Like Reddit.

But mastodon is not very entertaining, because it is just a "new" feed. Also the twitter app works well. So I usually use Twitter instead of mastodon.

But the Reddit app is garbage. And Lemmy is a great alternative. So there I go for the more ethical solution and pick Lemmy over Reddit.

Comparing Lemmy and Twitter. They have different content. Hence I use both.

I only have an account to bitch at my ISP whenever I have network issues. It's the only place where they actually do customer support for some reason.

They stopped showing their phone number on their website. The only other option is a piece of shit whatsapp bot that just tells you to restart your router.

Luckily I only run into problems I can't fix by myself like once per year at most. Don't have the app installed. Just go through Firefox.

I have an account for, eventually, marketing. It’s still widely used and so if I want my venture to be successful, I’d be foolish to avoid a place to be found, even if I find the owner to be distasteful at bare minimum.

I never had a Twitter account. I just joined mastodon a few hours ago

Porn. Also there's no ads usually around porn posts. So really it just costs them more

Porn is everywhere though? I recommend noodlemagazine for free full porn videos. Or are you talking about amateur content? It's what I sort of miss from Reddit, but then again, most of it was just teasers for their shitty OF.

I left the day Elon took over, but there are a lot of marginalized/unique social groups still on X that haven’t migrated to other platforms. So I know some people stay because they can’t find the same thing on mastodon, kbin, blue sky, etc.

It's been long since I deleted my reddit account, but I occasionally still open up subs that matter to me, like my local city subreddit, and a few other niche places, despite not being logged in. Why? Because that's about the only place I can find them.

I just really like the content of Twitter. Yes there are many stupid fights and debates but some of my favorite source of memes comes from there. To summarize, memes and pretty fast general world news.

It’s one of the few places to keep track of new developments of covid mitigations, studies on long covid simplified for laymen, new open source air purifiers, safe and affordable far uvc developments, people calling out the CDC’s constant terrible job at public health, the fact both political parties in the US are pretending millions aren’t going to continue to die and become disabled the more we ignore covid and long covid.

Twitter and yes, TikTok, are the only places theres active people talking about this especially in ways laymen can understand and take action on. Theres some subreddits (some ive made) but i hate visiting reddit now.

Mastodon has a few people but discovery on mastodon is terrible. No one uses hashtags cuz hashtags kinda suck and nothing is filtered or recommended based on who you follow and what they like or who they follow so you have to wade through too much irrelevant stuff.

Off topic: I prefer chronological feeds but they should have a user customizable option to have some recommended posts in between the chronological timeline for discovery. The Mammoth app is doing this but only for the For You feed which is not what I want because its 90% news articles from big publications. I want a chronological timeline with some recommended posts based on parameters i set like “x likes by friends of friends”, “user was recently followed by x amount of people I follow”, “x number of posts by this user were liked by y amount of people i follow”.

That's good to know those conversations are happening somewhere as a non-Twitter user. Keep fighting the good fight, Nix!

It's the NSFW Content. TBH.

The artists who draw the art/topics/proportions I'm into, and the IRL models with those proportions, don't exist on Mastodon. If they do I haven't found them. So Twitter still gets my horny clicks cause that content doesn't exist elsewhere.

Well now I'm curious what kind of proportions you talking. Got a sample?

Thanks for the honest reply 😅 That sure is a very specific type of body. Not my type but to each their own.

Here's hoping you'll meet someone like that IRL, bud! 🤞 All the best!

No worries; you asked a genuine question and got a genuine answer haha.. My wife is awesome and the best partner i could ever ask for, so I'm ahead of the game in that regard

Ah, great! She has those shapes too or nah? If so that's awesome for you.

I stopped posting but keep the account active because a lot of the Japanese artists I follow have stopped using other sites that were once pretty standard and never moved away from Twitter. There are also some people I don't want to lose touch with that never moved away.

i use companies that still put the little X button at the end of their posts as a filter to stop visiting them. I've found it very helpful.

I never had an account to start with.

Never really knew what it was for, and given the number of multi part parts and screenshots where you read bottom to top, no fucker else knows how it's supposed to work either.

It's just a shit blog with an arbitrary character limit.

Yeah I could never get into everything being spread around and jumbled up, I have my own rapid and jumbled stream of intrusive and inane thoughts, I don't need to see everyone else's.

Really though I just hope the people who enjoy it find a good replacement, because if those idiots start shitting up the rest of my internets I'll be pissed.

I am still “on X” because my account was banned and I literally cannot delete the account… because it’s banned.

But since I know that’s probably not the type of use you were referring to, I know others that still use it for scientific communications (e.g. announcing publications from their group and following those from others) and generally don’t care much or think about the fact that Elon is heading the platform.

I'm not, but the PR guy at work still does most of his communication there. It's because that's where both news and rumors spread. If you're not active, you come back and suddenly everyone is convinced you've done, or have plans to do something horrible. You basically have to sit there and deal with the abuse, just in case you actually have done something horrible. He isn't a particularly happy guy.

I used to post amateur photography there. I do still miss the community. It was far more engaged and supportive than anywhere else I've found.

because showing up in peoples feeds randomly and posting yiff is funny to me.

I am here to be a menace. Expect the unexpected always.

I'm a follower, I don't post, reply, like, or anything. I just want to see what the people I follow have to say, and they haven't moved anywhere else.

Not me, but my dad.

The only reason he stays is because of the politicians and news outlets he follows. He knows Twitter is trash now, but if that’s where the people he’s following are staying, then he stays too. He has heard of Mastodon and looked into it, but it’s unfortunate most politicians won’t migrate over there.

Which is kind of ridiculous. I mean sure a politician is going to still post on twitter because there's more people there, but they could simply copy and paste their statements to Mastodon. They pretty much all have staff and they could reach a different audience for the time it would take to copy and paste some text.

My account was locked, and I haven't the interest to unlock it just to get off Twitter. I never open the app/ website. I've had a nitter front end when I do need to see a meme from there. I haven't used it, lately.

The only time I'm ever there is because it has information or news I need. Unfortunately a lot of industry folk use it to post information even though it's the worst fucking UI for it. I don't think I've ever browsed their front page.

I follow numerous sources that ether only post on X or if they do post on masadon etc no one replies to anything / there is zero discussion.

Never used twitter, but tried mastodon a bit. There really is no discussion, right? People are basically talking to themselves. I tried some interactions but never got far

Twitter/X and Mastodon are just bad RSS feeds to me not communities.

Still very active. More so than here. But I still use it for sports. Particularly NBA and NFL content. My fav NFL team has an amazing group of fans on there and it’s some really funny dudes.

All major sports news breaks their first and all the major beat writers still use it. There is no better alternative. I’m on mastodon and it doesn’t even remotely compare.

Reddit was my go to previously but killing third party apps I dipped and my X usage tripled. Reddit was just cross posting sports news that broke on X first anyways so it was better going to the source.

Took a bunch of curating my timeline but I get 0 political bullshit and 0 musk bullshit… strictly sports and in that capacity it’s great.

My favorites artists are still on there, I usually spend 2 minutes on there to see what they're posting and leave, I wish they had mastodon account tho

I guess it's because a lot of local news channels and personalities still use twitter.

Any time I make a sale, there's an automatic post made on X to help promote dem titties. Aside from that, I don't use it unless I'm following a link from lemmy.

Research. Many people I'm interested in still use Twitter. And I hate how Nitter instances globally have started to become rate limited or outright obliterated by Twitter API weirdness/

Really only to get notifications of weather stuff from my local NWS office.

A lot of youtubers and such only make announcements for content and streams via twitter, or their own services that kind of suck worse in terms of access. In order to stay on top of some limited access content, twitter is still "useful" in that regard.

Personally, I've never used it for that, I mostly ever checked twitter when a site I visit or game I play is down and they don't have a good way of conveying details otherwise. But I know of content creators that use it for that, so I'd understand people using it to stay abreast of content that way.

There is literally no other realistic alternative too it; they're simply all too small. I still follow many trusted news sources and politicians on it as well as fandoms.

You are here.

Lemmy's not an alternative to Twitter, it's an alternative to Reddit. It's not even terribly great at that either because of Reddit's sheer size.

My entire fandoms are there. Also twitter is ok if you follow the right people, you don't depend on the trending list and you dgaf about follower count.

Thus pisses me off. The big fandoms and influencers could move. But all the people are on X. The users couldove, but all the fandoms and influencers are on X. It's a fucking loop where no one wants to make the first move

I used to spend my lunches watching videos on reddit's /r/videos and for yeeeeeeeears they would just post videos of influencers talking about how they're getting fucked by youtube. I rarely go to YouTube, I rarely use most social media I just wanted to waste my 5 to 10 minutes of eating a sandwich and watching a silly video or something, But I suddenly was very knowledgeable about all the stupid YouTube drama and it felt to me like the solution was to go somewhere else, in fact I got so fucking annoyed by these constant bitching about a garbage website that I stopped this lunch tradition entirely (But not before posting a long rant like an old man yelling at a cloud). However if there was an exodus that would also be admitting that these influencers would have to basically start over or hope their followers would follow them. They're tied to their income I guess. I find it pretty despicable but I think that's the reason. These people make a wild amount of money and it's hard to walk away from it out of principle (for them, cause they scared lil b-holes).

Mostly because I like to occasionally fuck around with the conspiracy crowd.

Conspiracy loons are wild on Facebook so I know what you mean, it's so hard not to poke them occasionally. I like that the feed is so broken you just start getting the most insane things - block as many shitty pages as you can, like all the ones that post about how a guy with one leg drove a truck 19 hours a day to pay for his grandsons double cancer so that means poor people shouldn't get hand outs. Then you start getting into the real weeds, oh and block the bot farm ones, you'll recognise them they post pickles comics and no human could bring themselves to do that.

When you start seeing Indian mechanical engineering memes like 'how to design flat roof pitch common mistake 💯 slope degree 13.5° ☑️' you're getting close, you'll start seeing things like 'today it takes us two years to build a family home but ancient people could do it in three weeks' the comments will be full of people who know every facet of whatever conspiracies the post is somehow referencing, which is normally a lot.

'normies don't realize how much easier life was when we had sonic resonance construction tools, if they did they'd rotate the sixth tower of Thomas Tesla to reopen the Elizabethan Toltec free energy portal' and you think they're just in their own world but everyone will be replying 'yeah, robin Williams was killed because if you watch Mrs doubtfire at the same time as eyes wide shut the dialog syncs up and they warn biden will cover up the free energy machine'

Except of course they can say it in 20,000 words if they feel like it.

This might just be the best thing I've ever read. This needs to be preserved so that future intelligent life may know what our lives were like.

And yes, I live poking at them. I know it sounds wrong, but it almost feels like honking at cattle along the highway.

Because there's still a strong football/soccer community there, along with Reddit

Yeah. Even the largest leagues and teams are basically impossible to follow on anything but Reddit and Twitter. For smaller teams? Nothing else exists…

I don't know why you're getting downvoted, I agree with you (at least on the Reddit part) The soccer community exists on Lemmy, but it's just not even remotely close to Reddit's

Because there are a lot more people, breaking news, and content on there compared to anywhere else.

I don't have an insta, so I'm not on threads. there's no scaled up site to even come close to challenging twitter.

I'm still there because there is pretty much nowhere else to go. once one of these places actually starts being as active and engaging as twitter I'm going there.

I'm not. Twitter was dead to me the moment Musk took over.

I never used X. I use Facebook

That's... baffling, coming from a Lemmy user. Why are you okay with Mark Zuckerberg watching everything you interact with?

I'm a bit of an exhibitionist and I'm glad that Mark is watching.

My best guess: Ignorance is bliss.

(As for me I deleted my Twitter account that moment Elon bought the platform).

Your asking the wrong community. Go ask Reddit this question

I literally don’t give a single fuck what people are involved with producing the software I use

Knowing what I know, I’m not. Mastodon is good, but not the same. There needs to be a publicly run version of Twitter, with same algorithms.

There are a lot of friends which my only way to continue having contact is through it.

Also people can be pretty annoying on Mastodon (like many people in this thread as the top comment pointed out) and not a single one of said friends migrated to it

Sports. I can get a hundred tweets of highlights almost instantly on Twitter.

I left Twitter exactly 24 days before it was rebranded to X. Let's just say I'm glad I made that move.

I left a long time ago already, nothing of value to be found there anymore.

Because too few people link Nitter therefore I need to find usernames to plug in by going to Twitter. Don't have an account and never will.

I have the distinction of having made my current presence on there a literal 24 hours before Musk announced he was going through with buying Twitter. By the time he was shown to be the kind of person he was, it had already become an inseparable piece of my mind and creations. If he bans me for speaking out against him, that will be a sign. Maybe this will be my speed bump.

I don't think you totally get the capitalism thing or something? You don't protest a capitalist by giving them money.

UFOX and UFOTwitter hashtags. All other major social media are censoring the topic (including Reddit, which once was supposed to be open). Lately, Twitter started doing so too (it barely suggests ufo topics for me in the last month, even if that's the only reason I'm there), but the hashtags still work as expected. Unfortunately, on all the fediverse media, the topic is still laughed at (despite the various government admissions in the past year), and so there isn't any discussion about it. Twitter is where it's at, for that topic.

Edit: Proving my point, providing a truthful answer to the topic's question, and still been downvoted by the fediverse en mass.

Knowing what you know about USA, why are you still living there? /s

If you can tell me how to move to a better country with no skills and little money, I'd move next week.

To be fair, deleting an optional account and not using it is far easier than emigrating to another country.

So not really a great example for your point.

That would actually be a really interesting topic in it's own thread. I'd be curious what people have to say.

I’m there to autoblock all of Elon’s advertising.

I’m there specifically to annoy you.

Also there are people using their real names sharing their real lives for me to give a shit about. The Maui community is strong there. People disappear from Twitter and I wonder what happened. If people disappear from here I wouldn’t notice.

I don't understand, why should I care about what interchangeable capitalist owns the social media I use?

This particular capitalist is having a significant impact on that platform.

If that doesn't concern you (and it doesn't have to) then carry on with giving no shits.

It seems like your problem is that he is vocal about his views. In reality he isn't much different in his effect then Zuckerberg, or Larry Page, or Murdoc, Huffman or anyone else that controls large platforms and enforces policies that shape the "acceptable" discourse on the platform. To put it bluntly, in a capitalist society you are forced to engage with Capitalists. Trying to be "ethical" in your consumption is waste of your time.

You got my number on that one. And you're right about them being cut from the same cloth and part of a bigger problem. I suppose Musk annoys me more because he's louder.

I can't argue against being ethical in media consumption being a waste of time in the sense that the tiny percentage of us that choose to boycott any given platform make no difference. But I think having ideals and following them is worthwhile and I will continue to do so.

But I was also sincere in my statement that I don't think you (or anyone) has to share that concern. Those are my ideals. They don't have to be yours and I don't expect that of anyone.

While I know this thread isn't really for me, since I don't have a twitter and never have, admittedly I am still exposed to and click on tweets way more often then I'd like. But ultimately, as odious as I find Musk (pun intended), there isn't really anything he can do that would stop me from laughing at a tweet or whatever. So while you are right that I don't "have" to, the reality is that with the network effect dictating where I or my friends find those funny tweets, I don't really have a choice. And besides, every time someone shares a tweet it is literally costing Elon money.

This might be the wrong crowd to ask as I suspect Fediverse users would favor Mastodon over X.

I'm not

I can't even try using an alternative redirect because apparently all of them are blocked.

I'm not? This question should really have a preface to it

lol, this comment perfectly captures what a Lemmy user is like

The Ricky Gervais joke about guitar lessons applies.


People commenting on things that are not aimed at them, or complaining about it.

Like seeing an advert for guitar lessons with a phone number attached, calling the number and telling them how much you really don't want guitar lessons, when all you had to do was ignore it.