Knowing what you know about Elon Musk, why are you still on X? to – 243 points –

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Inb4 fifty comments all saying "I'm not on twitter/x."

Hey, I'm not either, but we aren't who this thread is for, please and thank you

Please upvote this so people see it and think before making a shitty throwaway comment that adds absolutely zero to discussion.

Edit: fucking called it

I like how those people didn’t appreciate you taking away their circlejerk opportunity, so just downvoted you instead 😂

I swear half of Lemmy is just people talking about how they don’t use Twitter or Reddit.

I feel like my comment is the only one that even attempts to answer the question.

Pretty predictable though. Lemmy is even less mainstream than Mastodon so I would expect most people here to be way outside mainstream social media's target audience.

One third Trekkies, one third talking about how shit twitter and Reddit are, one third content.

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This... Also, what a loaded and opinionated question. It implies that you shouldn't be on X because of Elon Musk, if OP was genuinely curious about why someone uses X, they could have asked a neutral question: "Are you using X? Why or why not?" or "If you are using X, why and how?". This currently just reflects the OP's opinion for validation I guess?

  1. Its 2024 and this isn't an unpopular opinion that OP holds

  2. Its AskLemmy, not a fucking serious news organization or something. Who cares if its loaded and opinionated? Validate OP's opinion away!

Similarly to Snot Flickerman, I also believe that this thread will be filled with comments about not being on twitter, as that seems to be a common demographic of lemmy.

And also similarly to Snot Flickerman, I'll make use of this opportunity to become the very thing I resent in this thread by mentioning that I'm also not on twitter.

Then why didn’t OP say “For those of you still on X/Twitter, “?

because it's clearly implied by the title and they said as much elsewhere in the comments

but don't let that get in the way of you being a pedantic ass

The way I read it was "of course you use Twitter, everyone does" as is the general assumption.

I mean, you’re the one who actually commented saying you’re not on it. Admittedly, you did say that it was a shitty comment right after making it.

Good job on taking my advice and keep staying pedantic!

Your advice isn’t directed at me, because I’m on Twitter. Look, I agree with you that those comments are shitty, but OP should know that if you ask shitty questions, you’ll get shitty answers.

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