Trump’s ‘achilles heel’? Haley’s refusal to drop out infuriates ex-president to politics – 486 points –
Trump’s ‘achilles heel’? Haley’s refusal to drop out infuriates ex-president

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I'm starting to think Trump said something personally to Haley that seriously pissed her off, because she must know she's not going to win.

I assume she's hoping to get the Republican nomination by default if Trump is disqualified.

This would be my dream (as a non-American).

I want to see if the deep red Republicans hate Democrats enough to vote for a woman, born to Indian immigrant parents just out of spite.

They won't, thats my bet.

Let's be real, all of MAGA is gonna sit this one out crying about fraud if Trump isn't on the ballet.

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and she's said something to him that really pissed him off: "No."

because she must know she’s not going to win.

Winning isn't important. It's the free money. Colbert showed years ago how PAC money could be transformed into a personal slush fund.

At this point she can only win. Winning the nomination and the election this year is a long shot, that's certainly true. But whether Trump wins the election by whatever means and inevitably drops dead at some point or he wins the nomination but loses the election, she's in place as his obvious successor.

It is extremely unlikely that Haley can pull a comeback and win the nomination the conventional way. But there is a non-zero chance that Trump will not be able to accept the nomination, because he may be ineligible/incarcerated/deceased. If that happens, the Republican convention will be a shitshow. (It might turn out to be the real Civil War II if next week is a dud). However, Haley would be going in with a position of strength as the only other candidate with delegates.

There is nothing stopping incarcerated people from running for president, it has been done before. That probably helps to make it less enticing for corrupt politicians and their allies to lock up their opponents on false charges. Unless Trump dies within the next ten months or loses the support of his fanatic base, which both seem unlikely, Trump will be the Republican nominee. Haley might try for VP or try to carry her momentum into 2028.

Might be early preparation for a 2028 run. She'll be a familiar face who was "strong enough to go toe to toe with Trump" or something. I dunno much about political calculus.

Plus yeah, this might also be payback to get him tilted.

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