What happened at the nation's first nitrogen gas execution: An AP eyewitness account

GiddyGap@lemm.ee to News@lemmy.world – 183 points –
What happened at the nation's first nitrogen gas execution: An AP eyewitness account

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Jesus, stop all this ridiculous nonsense. The Acting AG at the execution said it went "textbook," the execution began at 8:00am and ended at 8:15 am and went exactly as it was supposed to go. There was nothing "experimental" or "cruel" about it. It was a lot more humane that lethal injection and lot more humane than a firing squad.

The man who was executed was the one who DEMANDED to be executed by nitrogen gas, it was his final wish, nobody forced it on him. No execution is ever going to be nice and pretty to look at. Shooting the guy would not exactly be a wonderful thing to behold.

The man who was executed was the one who DEMANDED to be executed by nitrogen gas, it was his final wish.

Source on this? I can't find anything about that. I did find this.

Smith’s 1989 conviction was overturned, but he was convicted again in 1996. The jury recommended a life sentence by 11-1, but a judge overrode that and sentenced him to death. Alabama no longer allows a judge to override a jury’s death penalty decision.

In the wake of Smith’s failed execution, he has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and is being prescribed a cocktail of medications including drugs to control migraines. His prison psychiatrist has recorded that he is suffering from insomnia, anxiety and depression – symptoms often associated with severe trauma.

“I am not ready for that. Not in no kind of way. I’m just not ready, brother,” he said.

That alone is enough for me to question the states ability to administer justice. Whoever told you he requested it is a liar and likely trying to manipulate you; or is just stupid.



Please tell me you're kidding. You obviously don't read the newspapers. It was in all of the Tribune papers and USA TODAY - this man ASKED to be executed by nitrogen gas.

You're failure to keep up on the news is not proof that what I'm saying isn't right. Sheesh!!

The state has supreme ability to administer justice and in every case should be doing so. YOU are an asshole and an idiot and a liar because you hate the fact that I've cornered you on this.

So go suck a lemon and continue to parade your ignorance around online for all to see ya dumb fuckhead.

>"it was all over the news!"

>can't provide any proof

Burden of proof is on you, buddy.

WRONG AGAIN. You're the one making a false accusation that I'm lying, the burden of proving I am is ON YOU, not me.

In Friday's edition (January 26th) of USA Today there's a lengthy article about this man's execution and once again it says, "he chose to have this method of execution." It says so pretty clearly. If you choose not to follow up and read the article for yourself, it's only because you don't want to read the truth.

And it's also been reported on the national news that he CHOSE this for his manner of death. So if you're not willing to face that, that's on you.

I'm not the one you've been arguing with and I'm also European 🤷‍♂️

You made a claim, you need to provide proof for it, not everyone else. That's how burden of proof works.

I did provide proof with the name of the publication and date of it as I posted above. I not only made the claim, I backed it up. When will you have the maturity to see that and admit it.

It's funny how in another thread you talk about how you are against killing other humans and here you're defending how the government is killing humans.

It's kinda sad that this is how you spend your free time badgering people because you have no other life. But hey, who am I to judge. You do you.

How it looks to onlookers should in no way factor in to deciding what method you use.

The onlookers don't have to be there. They have a choice.

That's very true. And there is no manner of execution that's going to look good to onlookers no matter what the situation. From what I've read about lethal injection, it's just as awful to witness.

No one is claiming there's a very humane way to do this. But I still believe in capital punishment for the crime of murder. In some ways it's a much kinder outcome for the murderer than keeping him in a prison cell for the rest of his life.

Just so long as you understand that your desire to end the life of imaginary people who are irredeemably bad WILL lead to the death of real people that are redeemable. Not to mention innocent people.

Though I don't think it is up to you to decide that any life is definitely less preferably to death. Only the ones living those lives can decide that.

There's nothing imaginary about the horror of criminals committing murder. Oh I realize it hasn't affected you personally, so why should you care about any of it, or bother to see it for what it is.

You're wrong (as usual), it IS up to me to decide when life is preferable to death. Or when someone who is criminally insane should be executed. I don't really give a flying fuck what you think about it either way.

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Did you ever think that maybe we just shouldn't execute people?

It's like you didn't even read my posting at all. Didn't I just state that I believe in capitol punishment, or do I have to spell it out more clearly? Of course we MUST execute people when they have committed a horrible crime. There is no rehabilitation of these cretins.

Not only should we do it, we MUST do it. The trouble isn't that we execute people, it's that we don't do it often enough.

Don't get me wrong, I'm as liberal and leftist as could be - i make Richard Simmons look positively straight by comparison - but I'm very much in favor of extreme criminal punishment. Crime is not something any society can sustain or survive.

You're not a liberal at all if you think it's ok for the state to put people to death

He held his breath as long as possible. Read what happens when you do that.


There was nothing wrong with the method, this guy chose to suffer. As soon as he started breathing the nitrogen it was done.

this guy chose to suffer.

He was desperately trying to cling to life. Are you saying you wouldn't?

Of course I wouldn't! CO2 suffocation is one of the most painful ways to go out.

As someone who is currently alive and will die someday, I've thought a lot about the end. If my life ends in an intentional manner, nitrogen tank and a face mask is exactly how it's going to go.

Maybe don't kill people then

Y'all have empathy for the wrong ass people.

It's not about empathy. It's about not giving the state the right to control the life and death of its own citizens. Maybe you're okay with the state having that power. Many of us aren't, especially when innocent people have been executed.

Homie I desperately seek out death. Life clings to me.

Also the solution is super simple and has already been brought up hundreds of times. Put them on an oxygen mask, at some point without their knowledge, swap them to nitrogen.

That's torture. You just described a method of torture. Congratulations.

I'm sorry are we letting the Mafia execute people now?

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