German railway seeks IT admin to manage MS-DOS and Windows 3.11 systems

Lee to – 838 points –
German railway seeks IT admin to manage MS-DOS and Windows 3.11 systems

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Do I get to move to Germany for this?

You might, actually. Provided there is no available EU applicant.

There are probably many people in Japan with this skillset given that they're only now getting off disks for certain government processes.

There's lots of people all over the world in their 30s and 40s and older with this experience.

Not particularly, based on my experience. Now, if you want AS/400 people and such...

I used AS400 at a financial company I used to work out. You could almost pretend that you were in Fallout.

AND you get to enjoy the DB Verspätungen all the time! Possibly even cause them!