Mongolia's former president mocks Putin with a map showing how big the Mongol empire used to be, and how small Russia was to – 979 points –
Mongolia's former president mocks Putin with a map showing how big the Mongol empire used to be, and how small Russia was
  • Putin has relied on historical borders to argue that Ukraine is part of Russia, justifying the war.
  • Mongolia's former president shared a map of the Mongol Empire, which included parts of Russia.
  • "After Putin's talk. I found Mongolian historic map. Don't worry. We are a peaceful and free nation," he wrote.

The former president of Mongolia mocked Russian President Vladimir Putin over the weekend and his focus on history to try to justify his invasion of Ukraine.

Putin has frequently used historical borders to justify his brutal invasion, arguing that Russia has a claim over Ukraine even though Ukraine is an independent country.

In his interview with Tucker Carlson last week, Putin outlined centuries of Russian and European history to justify his invasion. Historians say much of the history he gave doesn't stand up.

Tsakhia Elbegdorj, who was Mongolia's president between 2009 and 2017, and was also its prime minister, poked fun at Putin's argument on X.


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Just go take it back, Russia is so wrapped up in the western front they wouldn't be able to mount any kind of defense until it was far too late to hold Siberia.

Too bad democracy won't invade like Putin does because peace is the right thing to do.

except all the times it did for no reason?

Democracies are a lot like the Romans, they need a casus belli real or imagined before they do war.

There was always a reason. Not always a good one, but a casus belli is still needed.

If Mongolia is able to muster anything like the force they had when they invaded, it will hardly matter what Russia can mount

Then again, Genghis Khan didn't have guns or tanks or planes.


It sounds like he may actually have been the first to bring them to Europe.

Possible Mongol diffusion of gunpowder to Europe

Several sources mention the Mongols deploying firearms and gunpowder weapons against European forces at the Battle of Mohi in various forms, including bombs hurled via catapult.[55][56][57] Professor Kenneth Warren Chase credits the Mongols for introducing gunpowder and its associated weaponry into Europe.[58] A later legend arose in Europe about a mysterious Berthold Schwarz who is credited with the invention of gunpowder by 15th- through 19th-century European literature.[59]

They would just nuke Mongolia.

They would just nuke Mongolia.

Given how much Russian nuclear maintenance has gone into hookers and vodka over the last forty years, it's literally anyone's odds as to whether that shit even leaves the pad before it detonates, if it detonates at all.

All Putin can do is turn the key, aim for Mongolia, and hope it's not the loss of an entire local region.

And that's before NATO starts raining down holy hell on him because he just triggered MAD, lol.

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