Black national anthem sends MAGA into meltdown

Lee to – 492 points –
Black national anthem sends MAGA into meltdown

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Your statement presupposes that MAGAs are mad because this is somehow illegal. How did you come to such a conclusion?

They didn't, at least not in what I read.

They're just outlining how stupid the argument is.

They made 6 statements, each ending with "that's protected speech", referred to a "legal basis" and "legal status", and mentioned that the SuperbOwl was a private event, as if someone was implying otherwise. Not sure how else you interpret that but please share if you have another perspective.

E: LOL you people are literally delusional. Zero objectivity.

All of those six statements were predicated with “This is such a non-thing that it hurts to even consider how stupid it is.“

Ergo, let’s not make it a thing…

And then they immediately "made it a thing" by writing out a strawman argument, which I addressed. I don't understand where the confusion is coming from.

No, they didn't. The point that were made all stated that everything's protected by free speech. No one here is upset about the Black National Anthem being sung, you're just trying to stir up shit. Ergo, DON'T MAKE IT A THING.

No, they didn't.

Yes. They did.

The point that were made all stated that everything's protected by free speech.

Yes, I got that. My point (once again) is no one thinks it is illegal, which makes the argument it a strawman (ie: arguing against a point no one is making).

No one here is upset about the Black National Anthem being sung

Oh look, another strawman.


I'm really not sure what this is supposed to mean in this context. I didn't "make it a thing". It was "made a thing" by whoever decided to sing it, the people who were upset by it, the article that was published, and the person replying to the article before I even knew it took place.

Oh look, someone trying to stir up a dumb argument on the internet because they need attention.

Yes, that's definitely what's happening. I need attention from anonymous strangers on the internet. 🤦‍♂️ It's definitely not that someone had a bad take. Deny deny deny.

Yes, that’s definitely what’s happening. I need attention from anonymous strangers on the internet.

ooh look, another strawman argument. strawman arguments all over the place today!

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You don't know what a straw man argument is do you?

Of course I do. I've already explained it elsewhere. It's when someone (like the person I replied to) fabricates a fallacious argument their opposition supposedly holds (like the idea that singing a particular song is illegal) and then tries to tear down the argument they themselves fabricated as evidence that their opposition is wrong.

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This is such a non-thing that it hurts to even consider how stupid it is.

You missed statement 0.

No. I didn't.

Oh okay so you chose to ignore it and draw your own conclusions at what point they were making, got it.

Once again, no, I did not.

Dog they just listed reasons they think the maga reaction is stupid and you've got a whole write up as to why maga doesn't care about legality. You missed the plot it's okay.

Dog they just listed reasons they think the maga reaction is stupid and you've got a whole write up

I did not write "a whole write up", dog. It was 2 sentences. All of their reasons were legal, which is what I addressed.

as to why maga doesn't care about legality.

🤦‍♂️ No. Wrong again. My point was that it's not a legal issue.

We know that though. We know they only care because they're racist. The commenter doesn't care if it's a legal issue or not. They just think it's stupid and listed 6 reasons they think that. Move on it ain't that deep.

The commenter doesn't care if it's a legal issue or not.

Then why did they take the time to list 6 reasons why it's legal? 🤷

Just put your shovel down and move on.

Because it highlights a very obvious reason they have no reason to complain other than racism. This is like the fucking "I like waffles" tweet manifesting itself.

Because it highlights a very obvious reason they have no reason to complain other than racism.

LOL yes, let's make up fake arguments to tear down, then assert that the only possible answer is the argument we pulled out of our ass!

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In this context "that's protected speech" means roughly, "STFU maga, nothing you can do about it, and you have no basis for your tantum."

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The larger context of why anyone is talking about what is sung at the Super Bowl should have been enough of a set up, but apparently not.

This entire stunt is predicated on the right’s frustration that they couldn’t do anything about black athletes and allies being disrespectful during the National Anthem (a legally defined song with etiquette spelled out in the US legal code), which is protected speech.

Now, in my opinion, they have a Super Bowl to posture about eight months before a presidential election. They want sound bites and over-the-top reactions so that they can paint themselves the victims of a hypocritical, leftist, anti-freedom conspiratorial media machine. This part of that “projection” plank in the modern GOP.

My original post was simply outlining that no matter how you slice it, there is nothing to be mad about them “protesting” the Black National Anthem. I added in a rhetorical refrain to drive home the point while beating a dead horse for effect.

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