Nazi supporters march through downtown Nashville

gedaliyah@lemmy.worldmod to – 511 points –
Nazi supporters march through downtown Nashville

The group of more than a dozen masked individuals marched wearing red shirts and black pants, waving flags with swastikas on them. It is not clear at this time who the group is or affiliated with, though many of the shirts said "Blood Tribe."


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It is MORE THAN A DOZEN!!!! Like 14!!!! Maybe even 15!!!!

I think the best thing to do is to let them humiliate themselves.

The best thing to do is punch them and toss them in the deepest hole you can find. The second best thing to do is to let them humiliate themselves. You just have to be careful with that second one though because of the saying about a nazi drinking at a bar.

If you see someone punch a nazi, no you didn't. That nazi fell.

I disagree. You can fight them not descending to their level. You are better.

I could sit at home jerking off with Cheeto dust on my titties and be better than them, but that doesn't get Nazis off the street. They already understand that their actions are wrong that's why they wear masks. They are not humiliated, humiliation won't work.

I kind of think if they got punched in the fucking face on a regular basis maybe we would see a lot less of them and their evil bullshit.

be better all you want. but personally just fucking them up on sight would be ok with me.

let other people be better, but the being better part is what allows these kinds of people to freely march in the first place.

these people thrive on confrontation, and feel that confrontation will make others flock to their side. i think we should give them all the confrontation they want, basically at every opportunity. being better than them is good in the long run. being worse than them will get them off the streets.

this is Nashville, we can do both.

Punching a Nazi isn't sinking to their level. Shooting a Nazi in the head and burying them in a shallow grave would be sinking to their level. Punching them in the face and reminding them that they never should have crawled out of whatever rock they'd been hiding under is just being a good American. It's what Captain America would do after all.

If every time a Nazi pokes their head out they get punched in the face, one of two things will happen, either they'll stop poking their head out, or they'll reevaluate their life choices and decide to stop being a Nazi. Either option is a win for everyone else.

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They wear masks because they know what they do is unacceptable and would ruin their livelihood if it could be traced back to them personally.
They are still out there matching as Nazis.
Humiliation is not enough.

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