Just doing my part šŸ¤”

MacN'Cheezus@lemmy.today to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 932 points –

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Yep. Iā€™m all for limiting waste, but we never shouldā€™ve gotten rid of plastic straws. Paper straws DO NOT WORK. Itā€™s as simple as that.

Iā€™ve resorted to carrying my own straws these days, just so I donā€™t have to use soggy paper.

And frankly, I doubt getting rid of plastic straws had any effect anyway. They claimed here it was to protect sea turtles. I live four hours from the ocean. Unless a sea turtle knows how to use public transport, theyā€™re not likely to get near my straw. Especially since I actually put it in the recycling bin anyway.

Are you living on a dumpster or really that naive, that you think your waste is staying where you leave it?

Plastic recycling is a lie.

I use a reusable metal straw

They should offer reusable metal straws

They'd just get stolen and you know it.

Idk, would it be any different than reusable metal silverware? Restaurants use those all the time. ā”ā (ā Ā ā āˆµā Ā ā )ā ā”Œ

First of all, you'd be surprised, and second of all, while most people DO have silverware at more, they probably don't have metal straws, and they'd also be easier to steal because they're thinner than a fork or a knife and thus easier to conceal.

Downside is, your plastic trash probably isn't staying near where you live.

Instead of paper we should have gone stainless steel. Safe, strong, reusable, fully recyclable. Ive got a few and i love em personally but i get why people don't go outta their way to have some

I use metal straws as well. Itā€™s a decent option.

As for safe, wellllllā€¦ thereā€™s some debate on it. People have been impaled when they tripped and fell while drinking from them. Theyā€™re also a bit more difficult to clean, since you just toss a plastic straw.

First World problems, amirite? Gotta carry your own metal straw everywhere if you don't like mushy PFAS.

Safe, strong

This seems to be opposing objectives for a straw. If it's strong, then it can puncture/lacerate if someone falls while carrying a drink. This has been an issue, and it has killed at least one person. I don't want my drinking straw to be that strong. Frankly I'll just skip the straw for the most part.

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You know you could just learn to drink like grown ups so you don't need to carry around special implements? My babies could pretty much drink straight from a cup or a glass before they had turned two, you can do it too

And thatā€™s perfectly fine to do with a soda, sure. But with a milkshake? Or a very cold slushie? You canā€™t really drink those like a soda. Not unless you let them melt completely, which rather defeats the purposeā€¦

All the other pre-teens out there are protesting that we only have one planet and all you have to complain about is that you have to carry disposable straws for your milkshake or your very cold slushie, or you won't be able to enjoy them? Those are going to hurt your teeth and your tum-tum anyway, you should probably stop

Paper straws work fine?

Not to be the "well akshually" guy, but I personally find that while paper straws are fine for most drinks, when it comes to thicker ones they really suck (no pun intended). Like, using a paper straw with a slurpee or milkshake is a nightmare.

I'm team paper straws, but surely there's a better solution for drinks like those.

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